Knowledge is power ,

sharing knowledge is powerful

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  147

A) Vocabulary & structure

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. I like working in groups because you can learn a lot when people –––– with each other.

a) cooperate                       b) delight

c) covered                            d) coated

2. Hassan tried to revise, but he was –––– by his younger brothers and sisters who were playing computer games in the living room.

a) abstained                        b) sustained

c) distracted                         d) abstract

3. Lions hunt their prey in ––––

a) packets                         b) packages

c) packs                                d) pockets

4. There are many –––– where people need to cooperate to succeed.

a) stations                                   b) situations

c) states                                        d) stars

5. Birds can –––– on complex jobs.

a) demonstrate                 b) commentate
c) cooperate                     d) commemorate

6. A –––– is someone aged between thirteen and nineteen.

a) toddler                      b) teenager

c) baby                              d) child

7. She used to –––– a lot of sport when she was younger.

a) make                              b) do

c) work                              d) get

8. The –––– of wind and rain causes many car accidents.

a) combustion                          b) association

c) combination                         d) connection

9. Please don't ask me to make any –––– about tomorrow's meeting.

a) products                          b) predictions

c) cooperation                     d) productions

10. Squash and badminton are –––– sports.

a) team                                 b) single

c) individual                         d) alone

11. I’ve got a/an –––– bad headache.

a) fantastically                    b) absolutely

c) very                                   d) totally

12. She is –––– pleased with her picture.

a) completely                      b) absolutely

c) terribly                                d) quite

13. At the run, he felt –––– tired.

a) totally                      b) absolutely

c) very                          d) incredibly

14. Although he arrived an hour ––––, he started work immediately.

a) late                            b) lately

c) latent                           d) latest

15. At the end of the school year, some students try –––– to make up for the lost time.

a) hardship                     b) hardly

c) hard                           d) too hardly

16. I’ve got a/an –––– awful headache.

a) absolutely                     b) very

c) a little                           d) a bi

B – Reading Comprehension

2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

One year an agricultural expert visited a poor village in India. His purpose was to improve agriculture and food production in the village. The village relied for food on the two crops of rice and the vegetables it grew each year. The villagers worked very hard during the planting and harvesting seasons, but their crops were sometimes poor and insufficient because of the weather. The expert told the head of the village that he could give the villagers a new type of rice which would produce double the quantity. The head of the village was delighted and agreed to try it out. The villagers planted the new rice and when they harvested it, it produced double the quantity. When the expert returned after the first crop, he was pleased to see the villagers very happy. The expert returned later to see if the second crop had been equally good. This time he found the fields empty. The villagers were sitting around playing cards and taking life easy. When he asked the head of the village about the second crop, he said ,”we didn’t need to plant a second crop because we had enough rice after the first

crop, so we are relaxing and enjoying ourselves.” The expert realized it was useless to tell the head of the village that he had not given them the new rice so that they could spend half a year without working.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do you think the agricultural expert went to the Indian village?

2. Were the fields cultivated when the expert visited the village for the last time. Give reasons for your answer.

3. Find words which mean:

a) kind

b) depend on

4. Do you think those villagers deserve help? Give a reason

B. Choose the correct answer:

5. The underlined word “it” refers to

a) rice                                           b) the year

c) the village                              d) the food

6. The Expert’s aim was ––––

a- double the villagers’ sufferings.                   b- face a food shortage problem.

c- visit the Indian village.                                           d- share the production of rice with them.

7. The villagers that the expert visited –––

– a- took his advice seriously                       b- preferred easy life

c- are wise                                                   d- burnt the crops.

8. On his second visit to the village, the expert was surely ––––

a- relaxed b- shocked

c- pleased d- at ease

c- writing 3- A- Translate into Arabic:

1) A bully is someone who teases or hurts other people to frighten them.

2) An essential good habit is that you should take responsibility for your life.

B- Translate into English: 

4- هل من الممكن أن يتسلق المرء جبل افرست بسهولة في أيامنا هذه؟ 

5-تصدر بلادنا الكثير من المنتجات الجيدة إلى الخارج كل عام .


4- Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED and eighty (180) words on only ONE (1) of the following topics:

a- How to make schools more attractive

b- Golbal warming

اجابة (1)

A) Vocabulary & structure

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:


1. cooperate                   2. distracted

3. packs                        4. situations

5. cooperate                   6. teenager

7. do                                  8. combination

9. predictions                10. individual

11. very                         12. quite

13. very                          14. late

15. hard                         16. absolutely

B – Reading Comprehension

2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Answers

(1) To improve agriculture.

(2) No, because they relaxing and enjoying themselves.

(3) a) type b) rely on

(4) No, because they are lazy.

(5) A) rice

(6) B) face a food shortage problem

(7) B) preferred easy life

(8) B) shocked.

c- writing

3- A- Translate into Arabic: .

1-المتنمر هو الشخص الذي يغيظ أو يجرح الناس الآخرين لأخافتهم .

2- العادة الضرورية الجيدة هى أنك ينبغي أن تتحمل مسئولية في حياتك .

B- Translate into English: 1. Is it possible for someone to climb Mount Everest easily nowadays? 2. Our country exports a lot of good products abroad every year.

4- Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED and eighty (180) words on only ONE (1) of the following topics: Students' own answers 

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