بالعلم ترتقى الامم

الثالث الثانوى

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السؤال الخامس / paragraph


*  1- Write a paragraph  about The qualities of a good writer.

2- Write a paragraph about The importance of studying literature . 

3- Write a paragraph about  E - books .

4- Write a paragraph about Aprimary teacher you admire most  .


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٢ 8-تقوم المراة المصرية بدور فعال فى كل نواحى الحياة وتسهم بقدر كبير فى تقدم بلادها

The Egyptian women play an effective role in all aspects of life and contribute greatly to the advancement of their country.

٨٣ -تسعى الحكومة الى توفير احتياجات الشعب بكل السبل وهذا يستلزم زيادة الانتاج وتنظيم النسل

The government is trying to provide the people with what they need in every way. This requires the increase of production and birth control.

٨٤ -يحلم الكثير من الناس بعالم متسامح وهادئ ينعم بالحب والسلام والتعاون والعدالة والاعتدال بين جميع الناس.

world which is blessed with love, peace, A lot of people dream of a tolerant and quiet٨ cooperation, justice and affability between all people.

٨٥-ان المال هو مصدر كل الشرور. إنه يشجع بعض الشباب على القيام بالعادات السيئة. ويشجع بعض الناس لارتكاب جرائم مثل السرقة والعنف والتزوير والقتل

Money is the source of all evil. It encourages some young men to do bad habits. some people to commit crimes such as theft, violence, forgery and murder.

٨٦ -تهتم وزارة التعليم بتطوير المناهج والعملية التعليمية حتى يكون لدينا جيل عظيم من العلماء في المستقبل

The ministry of education is interested in developing curriculums and the educational process so that we will have a great generation of scientists in the future.

٧٨ -الانفجار السكانى مشكلة تواجه الدول النامية وهى تعوق تقدمها خاصة عندما تكون مواردها الطبيعية محدودة.

- Over-population is a problem that faces all developing countries. It hampers their progress especially when their natural resources are limited.

٨٨ -المواطن الصالح هو الشخص الذي يكرس وقته وجهده لبلاده ، ويضحي بنفسه من أجل كرامتها ورفاهيتها-

The good citizen is the one who devotes his time and effort to his country, sacrificing himself for its dignity and welfare.

٨٩ -عاجلا او اجلا سيصبح الانترنت هو العمود الفقرى لجميع مناحى الحياة

Sooner or later, the internet will become the backbone of all aspects / fields of life.

٩٠ - تنظيم الوقت مهم لانجاز الاعمال وتحقيق الاهداف

Organizing time (Time management) is very important to do jobs and achieve goals

٩١ -لابد ان يكون المدرس الجيد مسئولا وان يهتم باحتياجات الطلاب

A good teacher should be responsible and serious, and care for the needs of students.

٩٢ -يجب ان يلعب الجميع دورا ايجابيا فى تطوير بلدنا وتحقيق التقدم

Everyone should play a positive role in developing our country and achieving progress.

٩٣ -تحاول الحكومة تحسين النظام التعليمى لمواكبة تحديات العالم

٩٤ -البطالة مشكلة خطيرة جدا يجب ان يحلها العامة والمنظمات الخاصة

٩٥ -يشعر الناس المهتمين بالاجازات فى الفضاء بالقلق بخصوص الاعراض الجانية السيئة لها

٩٦ -يجب على الشباب ان يقبل العمل فى الاماكن النائية حتى لا يظلوا بلا عمل

٩٧ -لابد ان نكرم الكتاب والمفكرين العظام ، وخاصة هولاء الذين نشروا اعمال مميزة

٩٨ -الجشع واحد من أقبح الصفات الإنسانية لأنه يزيد من حدة الصراع والنزاع بين الأفراد داخل المجتمع  الواحد

٩٩ -تصدر الحكومة القوانين التى من شأنها منع ارتكاب الجرائم وتحقيق الأمان للمجتمع .

١٠٠ -الإستقرار والأمن عنصران هامان لتحقيق نهضة إقتصادية شاملة .

١٠١ -إن قراءة الأدب العالمى تجعل القارئ ملما بثقافات عديدة تفيده فى الحياة

١٠٢استصلاح الصحراء هي الامل الوحيد لتحقيق التوازن داخل مصر وموجهة البطالة

١٠٤ -لا تقاس حضارة الأمم بعدد أصحاب الملاييـن فيها وإنما تقاس بعدد المثقفيـن فيها


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5١ -على مر العصور ، لقد حقق الإنسان الكثير من الاختراعات المهمة التي ساهمت في جعل الحياة أسهل وأكثر راحة

٥٢-إن الخيال العلمي عادة ما يكون محاولة جادة للكتابة عن شكل الحياة في المستقبل أو في عالم آخر  .

٥٣ -اذا لم نتناول الغذاء الصحى ، فاننا سوف نصاب بالامراض ونفقد قدرتنا على اداء اعمالنا بشكل جيد.

-٥٤ -تشيد الدولة الطرق و الكباريالعلوية لربط المدن بعضها البعض.

 ٥٥ -تشجع الحكومة الصناعة المحلية لتستغني عن الكثير من الواردات

-٥٦ -حافظوا علي نظافة مدينتكم لأن المنظافة سلوك حضاري

. -٥٧ تعلم مهارات التفكير الناقد يساعدنا علي خلق جيل واعد. .

٥٨ -يحاول العلماء انتاج أنواع جديدة من النباتات والحيوانات باستخدام الهندسة الوراثية.

٥٩ -علينا أن نحارب الفساد فى بلادنا بكل السبل الممكنة.

٦٠ تدعو كل الاديان السماوية الى الحب والتسامح والسلام.

٦١ -مما لاشك فيه أن للتلوث اثار خطيرة على البيئة سواء كان ذلك للانسان او الحيوان او النبات.  

٦٢ -ان الزلازل والبراكين والعواصف والجفاف والبرق والرعد كلها ظؤاهر طبيعية تبين قدرة اللة

٦٣ -بدون السلام لا تزدهر الحضارة، فالحرب تدمر ما حققه الإنسان من تقدم.

٦٤ -تولي الحكومة اهتماما كبيرا بالأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

. ٦٥ -تتمتع مصر بسحر الطبيعة وجوها البديع ومناظرها الخلابة وتراثها الحضاري العريق

٦٦ -هناك صراع مستمر بين الخير والشر منذ بداية الحياة على كوكب الارض

٦٧ -يجب ان نغرس فى ابنائنا حب العمل والانتماء ونشجعهم على الابداع

٦٨ -من الضرورى اتخاذ الاحتياطات اللازمة لمواجهة الامطار الغير متوقعة

-٦٩ -تهدف المناظرات على تدريب الاجيال على المشاركة والنقد البناء .

٧٠ -إن مصر تحتاج إلى جهود المخلصين من أبناءها حتى تتغلب على مشاكلها الاقتصادية

٧١ - ليست العطلة الصيفية وقتا ضائعا بل يجب الانتفاع بها في عمل مفيد أو قراءة مثمرة 

٧٢ -إن عصرنا عصر حضارة ذكيه تحتاج إلى فكر مستنير وعقول نشطة تدرك التطور السريع .

٧٣ -التعاون والإتحاد والتسلح بالعلم خير السبل لنجاح وتقدم الأفراد والأمم

٧٤ -لن تصبح مصر دولة متقدمة بدون التعاون المثمر بين الحكومة والشعب لتنفيذ خطط التنمية

٧٥ -هل تعرف مدي خطورة عوادم السيارات علي صحة البشر؟

٧٦ -تقوم الجمعيات الخيرية بدور فعال من اجل الفقراء و المحتاجين 

٧٧ - اقتحم اللصوص شقتي وسرقوها ولكن رجال الشرطة تمكنوا من القبض عليهم وإعادة ما سرقوه

٧٨ -من حق كل إنسان أن يعبر عن رأيه في إطار من الاحترام والنقد البناء و النقاش المفيد

٧٩ -تناول الوجبات السريعة يوفر الوقت ولكن ربما يضر بالصحة لما بها من مواد صناعية كثيرة

٨٠ - - لقد وهب االله مصر كثيرا من المصادر الطبيعية لو أحسن استغلالها لأصبحنا من أغنى الدول

٨١ -تقوى الألعاب الرياضية أجسامنا وتنعش عقولنا وتعلمنا التعاون والصبر وحب الوطن


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  السؤال السادس (الترجمة) Translation

 ١ -من أهم الأهداف التي تسعى الحكومة لتحقيقها تطوير التعليم.

٢ - -إن زيادة الإنتاج هى السبيل الوحيد لبناء المجتمع المثالى الذى نسعى إليه. 

٣ -على الشباب أن يتسلح بالعلم و التكنولوجيا كي يصلوا لأهدافهم. 

٤ -ستبقى القراءة الوسيلة المثلى للمعرفة فى العصور كلها.

٥ -سوف تنضب مصادر الطاقة الغير متجددة يوم ما لذلك يجب علينا أن نحسن إستخدامها.

. ٦ -شهد العصر الحالى ثورة هائلة فى مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والانترنت. 

٧ -من حقك أن تعبر عن رأيك ولكن يجب عليك أن تحترم اراء الاخرين. 

٨ - -تعتمد اى امة على شبابها فى تنفيذ المشروعات الصناعية والزراعية .

٩ - -تلعب الصحافة دورا هاما في تشكيل وعي الجماهير و تكوين رأي عام فعال.

١٠ -مصر هي مهد الحضارة و ستظل للابد منارة للعلم والعلماء.

١١ - - لقد وهب االله مصر كثيرا من المصادر الطبيعية لو أحسن استغلالها لأصبحنا من أغنى الدول . 

١٢ -بالصبر والعمل الجاد وحسن الأخلاق ينجح الإنسان ويتغلب على الصعاب ويحقق أمالة.

١٣ (تبنى الرياضة شخصية الفرد وتنمى جسما سليما خاليا من الأمراض .

١٤ - يجب أن يكون لك هدف فى الحياة وأن تبذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيقة

١٥– تستخدم الطاقة الشمسية لتوليد الكهرباء فى بعض المحطات العملاقة

١٦ - إن العمل الجماعي يقوي الروابط و القيم الإنسانية بين الناس.

١٧ -تستخدم التكنولوجايا الحديثة هذه اليام فى مجالت متنوعة كالطب و الفلك و الهندسة الوراثية

١٩ - لا تعطيننا الشنمس الحرارة و الضنوء فحسب لكهنا ايضنا تعطيننا الاشعة فوق البنفسجية الضارة

٢٠ -الـماء أصل الحياة فلا تفسد البيئة بتلويث مياه النيل.

ً ٢١ -ثبت علميا أن الشيكولاتة لـها بعض الفوائد الصحية للقلب

٢٢ -علينـا بترشيد استخــدام الميــاه العذبة و إلا سنواجه شدة الظمأ مستقبلا 

٢٣ - بفضل وسائل الإعلام والأقمار الصناعية أصبح العالم كلة قرية صغيرة 

٢٤ – لقد أثبت أن الشباب المصري قادرون على صنع المعجزات وتغير التاريخ

٢٥ – إن تعلم اللغات الأجنبية والكمبيوتر قد أصبح موضوعا حيويا هذه الأيام .

٢٦ -كثرة المال لاتوفر بالضرورة حلولا للمشاكل 

٢٧ -استثمار الطاقة البشرية وتنميتها هى بوابة اى تقدم لان البشر هم الذين يصنعون الحضارة ؟

-٢٨ - على كل فرد فى مجتمعنا أن يشارك في تحمل المسؤلية للتغلب على مشكلاتنا الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية .

٢٩-إ ن المعرفة والابتكار هما قاعد إ ن المعرفة والابتكار هما قاعدتا التقدم في المستقبل تا التقدم في المستقبل.

٣٠ -من المتوقع أن تصبح سياحة الفضاء أكثر شيوعا فى المستقبل القريب.

٣١ - يسبب السفر الى الفضاء اثارا جانبية سيئة ، لذلك لا يمكن للناس العاديين السفر الى الفضاء

٣٢ -يلعب الفن الراقى دورا هاما فى تشكيل شخصية الصغار و الكبار على السواء 

٣٣ -ينبغى علينا بذل المزيد من الجهد لحماية البيئة من التلوث السمعى والبصرى

٣٤ -يحب الصغار والكبار قراءة القصص البوليسية لأنها شيقة ومسلية

٣٥ -اثبتت مصر على مر التاريخ انها ارض المحبة والسلام

٣٦ -لقد ساعد استكشاف الفضاء على كشف الكثیر من أسرار الكون.

٣٧ یجب أن تختار الطالب الكلية التي تناسب مھاراتة وقدراتة

٣٨ -إن المال وسیلة ولیس غایة فھو لا یجلب السعادة رغم أھمیته

٣٩ -ألا تعتقد أن دراسة ثقافات الشعوب تساعدنا على فهمهم جيدا؟

٤٠ -الرياضة تحمي الشباب من كثير من الأمراض النفسية والاجتماعية.

٤١ -تظهر ثقافة الشعوب في سلوكيات أفرادها.

٤٢ -يجب ان يعلم كل الاباء بانهم المسؤلين عن تربية جيل واعى ومستنير

٤٣ -المواطن الصالح هو الذى يعمل بجد من اجل ازدهار وطنه

٤٤ -يجب على كل فرد المحافظة على الممتلكات العامة فهى ملك للجميع  

٤٥ -العلم والعمل هما السبيل الوحيد لتحقيق الرفاهية والتقدم لأي أمة. -

٤٦ -يجب علينا معاملة ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة بطريقة تشجعهم على الاندماج في المجتمع -

٤٧ -لقد تمكنا بالكمبيوتر والانترنت ان نكون على اتصال بالاخرين فى كل انحاء العالم

٤٨ - يجب أن نشجع السياحة بجميع أنواعها ، حيث أنها تشكل مصدرا رئيسيا للدخل القومى 

٤٩ -إن زيادة الإنتاج هى السبيل الوحيد لبناء المجتمع المثالى الذى نسعى إليه.

٥٠ -ان الشباب هم العمود الفقري لأي أمة واساس تقدمها. لذا ينبغي للحكومات أن تولي الاهتمام لتزويدهم بضرورات الحياة ومساعدتهم على أن يكونوا مواطنين أفضل.

منذ 5 سنوات
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22-Salma : I have some happy news.

Rawda: Really! 1. What is it?

Salma : My sister Ola had a baby.

Rawda: That’s fantastic. (2) When did this happen? / When did she give birth to the baby?

Salma : Today’s afternoon.

Rawda: (3) What kind of baby did she have? / Did she have a boy or a girl?

Salma : A girl.

Rawda: (4) What will she call her? / What name will she give the girl?

Salma : She will call her after me.

Rawda: Wow! (5) You must be pleased with that..

Salma : Of course, I’m so pleased with that.

Rawda: (6) When will you visit her?

Salma : I’m going to the hospital now.

Rawda: Can I come with you? I’m looking forward to see young Salma.

Salma : Of course, you can. Let’s go.


23-Doctor : Good morning! What’s wrong with you?

Patient : 1) I have been suffering from fever since yesterday.

Doctor : 2) Let me feel your pulse and check your temperature.

Patient : What does the thermometer read?

Doctor : Your pulse is a bit normal but the temperature is high.

Patient : 3) Is it serious?

Doctor : Don’t worry, Take this medicine and you will be all right in a few days.

Patient : 4) What should I eat?

Doctor : Light food, some hot soup and fresh fruit.

Patient : 5) Should I get any tests done?

Doctor : Yes, Get a blood test done for diabetes, and come with it next week.

Patient : 6) How long should I take the medicine?

Doctor : I recommend at least 10 days.

Patient : Thanks doctor.

Doctor : You are welcome.


24-A and B are at the Mall. 

A: I have never seen such a big mall.

B: (1) You are right. / I agree with you Where should we start?

A: (2) Let’s go up to level three. and see how far we get.

B: Level three! (3) Why do you want to go to level three? / What about levels one and two?

A: Level one and two are for house ware while level three is for electronics.

B: I see. Let’s(4) take the electric stairs.

A: I have never used electric stairs before. It will be great fun!

B: Look at this gorgeous mobile , I have to have it. Tell me how it looks.

A: (5) Why do you like it?

B: It is a unique smart phone . What do you think?

A: (6) I think it is great/wonerful. but it must be expensive.

B: Not at all ! Just 1500 LE.

A: Really! Get Two . My birthday will be tomorrow.


25-Tom Jones is sitting at the cinema. He’s sitting on the right-hand side which is usually reserved for nonsmokers. He’s rather surprised when he hears a man saying:

Man : Excuse me. 1) Do you have a box of matches?

Tom : Sorry, this is a " No smoking area".

Man : Oh, it’s all right. I’ve just found my matches.

Tom : I’m sorry! Maybe you didn’t hear me. Perhaps you didn’t realize, but smoking isn’t allowed in this part of the cinema.

Man : 2) Do you mind if I smoke here?

Tom : I’m afraid I do. So I’d be very grateful if 3) you went to the smokers’ side to light your cigarette.

Man : 4) Is there another solution?

Tom : Yes, there is. You can get out of the cinema. That is where 5) you can smoke as you like

Man : All right. I’ll move to the other side then. Please, 6) accept my apology.


26-reporter is interviewing Eman who has come first in GCES

Interviewer : It is a great honor to be with us, Eman.

Eman : Me too.

Interviewer : 1) What is the most important key to success?

Eman : I think, studying day by day is the most important key to success.

Interviewer : That’s fine. Did your school play a role in your success?

Eman : 2) Yes, of course

Interviewer : 3) What do you think of your school teachers?

Eman : My school teachers are qualified and experienced.

Interviewer : How many hours did you use to study a day?

Eman : 4) About six hours.

Interviewer : 5) What about private lessons?.

Eman : Oh! yes. Private lessons are necessary to understand the lessons.

Interviewer : 6) Which faculty do you want to join?

Eman : I wish I could join the faculty of Arts and become a professor.

Interviewer : I wish your all dreams would come true.

Eman : It’s been a pleasure.


27-Maher asks his brother, Mustafa to lend him 100 pounds to buy his friend a birthday present

Maher : Would you mind doing me a favour

Mustafa : I don't mind at all dear brother, But (1) What favour do you need?- How can I help you?

Maher : I wonder (2) if you can lend me 100 pounds 

Mustafa : One hundred pounds! What do you want that money for?

Maher : (3) o buy a birthday present for my friend..

Mustafa : But our father gave you 150 pounds last week, (4) didn’t he?

Maher : Yes, he did, but I spent it all.

Mustafa : (5) hen will you pay back it?

Maher : As soon as I can, Next month, perhaps.

Mustafa : Well, (6) Here you are. – I will give you it.

Maher : Oh! Thank you very much, that's very kind of you.


28-Nader is buying a suit at a store department. Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Nader: Yes, (1) I’d like to buy a suit.

Shop assistant: I’ve got different styles of suits. Here you are. (2) What colour do you want?

Nader: I’d like a blue one. Shop assistant: (3) What about this one? It’s the colour you like and it’s fashionable.

Nader: Yes, I like it. It’s very fashionable.(4) How much is it?

Shop assistant: Eight hundred pounds.

Nader: Is it made in Egypt?

Shop assistant: No. (5) It’s exported.

. Nader: Oh! It’s expensive. I’d like one made in Egypt, please.

Shop assistant: Well, here it is. Only five hundred pounds. It’s cheap, isn’t it?

Nader: (6) Yes, it is. . And of good quality as well.


29-Sherif is at the airport to see his British friend off

Sherif: I think you enjoyed your visit to Egypt.

Friend: Sure (1) it was a very good visit.

. Sherif: But you didn't visit lots of wonderful places and one visit is not enough.

Friend: I hope (2) I will visit Egypt again. .

Sherif: (3) When will you do that?

Friend: Maybe next summer.

Sherif: Do you still remember the few Arabic words you’ve learnt?

Friend: (4) Yes, I do.

Sherif: I’ve bought you some presents for your parents and your younger brother.

Friend: (5 )Thank you very much indeed.

Sherif: Not at all. (6) Don't forget to keep in touch.

. Friend: Of course, I’ll keep in touch.

Sherif: Have a nice flight.

Friend: Thank you. 30-Maya is being interviewed for a job at a bank.

Interviewer: Why do you want to work for us?

Maya: (1) Because I love banking.

Interviewer: Why do you think you’d be good at the job?

Maya: (2) As I have some skills for it.

Interviewer: (3) Have you got any experience?

Maya: Yes, I worked as a secretary for an accountant for a year.

Interviewer: (4) What are your qualifications?

Maya: I passed all my school exams and I have a degree in business studies.

Interviewer: (5) How good are you at English?

Maya: I can speak English well.

Interviewer: (6) What computer programmes can you use?

Maya: I can use Microsoft Word and Excel.

Interviewer: Thank you. You are a very strong candidate. 

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  42

14-Amal is having an interview for a job.

Interviewer : Be seated, please 1) ...............................................................................?

Amal : No, this is my second time to apply for a job as a receptionist.

Interviewer : Why do you choose this job?

Amal : 2)...............................................................................................................

Interviewer : 3) ...............................................................................................?

Amal : I speak English and French well.

Interviewer : Have you got any experience?

Amal : Of course. 4)............................................................................

Interviewer : What skills do you have?

Amal :5) ..........................................................................................

Interviewer : 6) ..............................................................................................?

Amal : I think I will take 3000 pounds a month.


15-Tasneem and Taghreed are talking about studying science at university

Tasneem : Why do you want to study science at university?

Taghreed : 1).................................................................................................... 

Tasneem : 2) ..........................................................?

Taghreed : I want to specialise in developing vaccines.

Tasneem : 3) ............................................................?

Taghreed : I chose this mainly to save children from diseases

Tasneem : 4) .............................................................................?.

Taghreed : Diabetes and cancers.

Tasneem : But 5) ........................................................................................

Taghreed : That is wrong. Doctors can only manage diabetes.

Tasneem : What do you mean by managing a disease?

Taghreed : Of course, 6).........................................................................

Tasneem : I wish you could achieve your dreams.

Taghreed : Thanks,


16-Nada, a reporter, is asking a tourist, on her way back home about her visit to Egypt:

Nada : Hello, can I ask you a few questions?

Tourist : No problem.

Nada : 1) ......................................................?

Tourist : I'm Australian.

Nada : 2) ....................................................................?

Tourist : I've been here for a couple of weeks.

Nada : 3) ................................................................?

Tourist : So many places in Luxor and Aswan.

Nada : 4) .........................................................?

Tourist : Egyptian food is so delicious. I really like it.

Nada : 5) .....................................................?

Tourist : Yes, they are really kind and helpful people.

Nada : I hope 6) ......................................................................?

Tourist : Sure, I will. Egypt is a beautiful country. 


17-Ibraheem is reserving a room at a hotel in Cairo.

Ibraheem : Excuse me1) ......................................................?

Receptionist : Single or double?

Ibraheem : 2) .................................................

Receptionist : 3) ..................................................................?

Ibraheem : My name is Ebraheem Zaki.

Receptionist : May I see your ID, please, Mr. Zaki?

Ibraheem : Certainly. Here it is.

Receptionist : Thank you.

Ibraheem : 4) ....................................................?

Receptionist : 200 pounds, sir.

Ibraheem : Can I pay with credit card?

Receptionist : Sure. 5) ....................................................?

Ibraheem : VISA card.

Receptionist : Okay. You're in room 507. It's a single, spacious room.6) ................................?

Ibraheem : Yes, it sounds like everything I expected.

Receptionist : Here's your key, sir. If you need anything, just dial 0 on your room phone.


18-Mr. Ameen is at the police station

. Policeman : Please, sir. I’m in a real fix. (1) ........................................................?

Mr. Ameen: Of course, I will. But please stop crying and (2) ............................................................................

Policeman : Well, sir. (3) .....................................................................

Mr. Ameen: When did this happen?

Policeman : In the afternoon while he was coming back home from school.

Mr. Ameen: How did you make sure that he was kidnapped?

Policeman : (4) ..............................................................................

Mr. Ameen: (5) ..................................................................??

Policeman : He said if I wanted to get my son back, I would have to pay a ransom.

Mr. Ameen: Do you have any enemies, sir?

Policeman : No, I don’t. But I’m a wealthy businessman and the kidnapper must be greedy for my money.

Mr. Ameen: Don’t worry, sir. (6) ....................................................................................................

Policeman : I hope you will do. I will die if I don’t recover my son.


19-Between Tamer and a booking clerk at a booking office.

Clerk : What can I do for you, sir?

Tamer: (1) I.................................................... to Paris.

Clerk : Single or return, sir?

Tamer: (2)..........................................................................................................................

Clerk : (3) .................................?

Tamer: First class.

Clerk : When would you like to travel, by day or at night?

Tamer: (4) ................................................................................

Clerk : There’s a flight at 2 a.m. (5)...........................................................................?

Tamer: Yes, it is. Make the reservation, please. (6).......................................................................?

Clerk : It’s 800 $, sir.


20-Tamer : What are you busy doing?

Ibrahim: (1).....................................................

Tamer : (2) ......................................................?

Ibrahim: It’s called “The revenge”.

Tamer : (3) ............................................?

Ibrahim: A young Egyptian writer called Hany Omar. 

Tamer : (4) ......................................................................................?

Ibrahim: Of course, you can. After I finish reading it, I will give it to you. But (5).................................................?

Tamer : Next week, I promise.

Ibrahim: But (6) ......................................................................

Tamer : Well, but you know I can’t read every day of the week because I finish work late.


21-Between Tamer and Ali in the middle of a square.

Tamer : Look at that beggar over there. Wait for me. (1)..............................................................

Ali : Stop. Don’t do that!

Tamer : (2) .............................................?

Ali : This encourages such people to be lazy.

Tamer : But (3) ....................................................................

Ali : Even if he looks so, we don’t know whether he deserves it or not.

Tamer : (4) .............................................................

Ali : Don’t be so worried about them. The people who deserve help surely get it.

Tamer : (5) ....................................................................................?

Ali : There are organisations that help such people.

Tamer : But I want to help these people; what can I do?

Ali : (6) .................................................................

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  166

6-Azza and Radwa are talking about space travel. ( P T)

Azza :I think t hat more money should be spent on exploring space.

Radwa : Why? 1) What are the advantages to that?

Azza :One advantage is that we can learn more about the earth by learning about other planets.

Radwa: I think that one day, everyone will travel to space. 

Azza :2) I don't agree/I'm not sure. . Not everyone will want to go to space.

Radwa : Are there any disadvantages to space travel?

Azza :3) What is its negative side?

Radwa : Yes, it is very expensive. However, I've heard that without space travel, we would not have a lot of the technology that we use every day. 4) I think some technology was first used in space..

Azza : Yes, that's correct. A lot of the technology that we use was first used on spaceships.

Radwa : 5 ) Could you tell me something about this technology?

Azza :Yes . An example is sat-nav systems in people's cars. Satellites were first used to send information about spaceships.

Radwa : My father's car has sat-nav. I think it's very useful.

Azza : 6) I couldn't agree more . I think it's useful, too.


7-Ali is interviewing Ahmed about a job in an animal’s hospital. ( P T)

Ali: 1) Do you have any work experience?

Ahmed: Yes. I’ve worked with a vet for six months.

Ali: Where are you from, Ahmed?

Ahmed : 2) I'm from Cairo

Ali: I’m from Cairo, too. 3) What are your interests.?

Ahmed : I love studying spiders. I collect them.

1Ali: 4) Really?

Ahmed : I have one here if you’d like to see it. 5) You can touch it.: It’s not poisonous.

Ali: 6) Thank you, but I don't want to touch it.


. 8-Sami meets an English tourist by a river. ( P T)

Sami: Excuse me. I advise you not to drink that water from that river.

Tourist : 1) Don't worry, I won't drink it.. I know that the water isn’t very clean.

Sami: 2) Where are you from?

Tourist : I’m from England. I’ve just spent a week walking across the desert.

Sami : 3) That's amazing! Wasn’t it dangerous?

Tourist : No, I studied how to live in the desert before I came here.

Sami : 4) Which skills did you learn?

Tourist : Skills such as using the sun to find your way. 5) What are your hobbies and interests?

Sami : I’ve got a lot of hobbies and interests. Sport is my favourite. I’m going to surf in the desert later.

Tourist : 6) You must be joking. .

Sami : No, I’m not joking. Look. You can watch me surfing on my phone.


9-Mariam and Rawia are discussing musical instruments. ( P T)

Mariam : Which musical instrument should we learn?

Rawia : 1) What about learning the drums?

Mariam : I'm not sure about that. Drums are too noisy. I like the piano. 2) Personally, I'd prefer to learn the piano?

Rawia : 3) I'd go along with that. . I'd like to play the piano.

Mariam : Do you think we should have piano lessons every day?

Rawia : 4)I don't think it's necessary to have lessons every day. I think one lesson a week is probably enough.

Mariam : 5) How often do you think we should practice?

Rawia: It's really important to practise every day.

Mariam : 6) What about practicing at my house?

Rawia : Thanks. I'd love to practise at your house.


10-Hala and Maya are meeting at the book club. ( P T)

Hala : There are only two of us here today. Where are the others? 

Maya : 1 ) I think that they must be watching the tennis competition.

Hala : You’re right. I forgot that the tennis competition was on TV.

Maya : We need to choose a new book for our book club next month.

Hala :2) How about a science fiction book?

Maya : I don’t like science fiction. What about a detective story?

Hala :3)What about a detective story. . Detective stories are always the same.

Maya :4 How about this non-fiction history book?

Hala :I’d go along with that. Non-fiction books always teach you something and that one about history looks interesting.

Maya :5 )It's probably a good idea to email the others in the book club.

Hala :Yes, you’re right. I’ll email them the book title so they know what we are going to read.

Maya :The next book club meeting will be the second anniversary of the club!

Hala : 6 ) That's fantastic.

Maya :Yes, it is good news, isn’t it?


11-Samir is talking to Nabil about his new television. ( P T)

Samir: 1) Do you know how to turn on this new television? My new TV is different to the TV we had before and I can’t turn it on.

Nabil: 2) I'll try and explain . It’s the same as my TV at home. 3) First of all, do you have the remote control

Samir: The remote control? Yes, it’s here. OK, it’s working now. Can you explain why it says it is looking for channels?

Nabil: 4) Here's what happens. . The first time your turn it on, it downloads the channels that you need.

Samir: Look, there’s a film channel. Shall we watch a film?

Nabil: I’m not sure. What time does it finish?

Samir : It finishes at seven o’clock. 5) Why don't you stay and watch it?

Nabil : Sorry. 6) I really think I should go home. I told my mother I’d be home at six.


12-Ashraf and Wael are waiting at a bus stop. ( P T)

Ashraf : I’ve got to be in the centre of Cairo in an hour. Where’s the bus? It’s late!

Wael : 1) Why don't you take the underground train? The underground is very fast.

Ashraf : But I’m meeting my friend at a bus stop in the centre.

Wael : 2) Surely the best thing to do is to take the underground. Then you can walk from the underground station to the bus stop in the centre.

Ashraf : Perhaps you’re right. I’ve not used the underground before. Do you know how to buy a ticket?

Wael: 3) I'll try and explain. Here’s what happens. 4) First of all, buy a ticket from the ticket office.

Ashraf : OK. What do I do after I’ve bought a ticket from the ticket office?

Wael : 5) Then, put your ticket into the machine.

Ashraf : Is it easy to put the ticket into the machine?

Wael : Yes, it is. Then the gates open and you can walk onto the platform to wait for the train.

Ashraf : 6) Can't I persuade you to come with me? I don’t want to go on my own.

Wael : Yes, OK. I’ll come with you. Then I can show you what to do.


13-Salesman : Can I help you?

Maha : Yes, 1) I wish to meet the manager, please

Salesman : I’m sorry, the manager is not available now. 2) Is there something wrong?

Maha : 3) I've got a complaint.

Salesman : A complaint. About what?

Maha : 4) about the dress I bought from this shop yesterday.

Salesman : What’s wrong with it?

  Maha : It shrank after I had washed it.

Salesman : No problem, madam. 5) You can have another one

Maha : But I don’t want another dress. I want my money back.

Salesman : OK. 6) but you must have the receipt.

Maha : Thank you. Here’s the receipt.

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  0   مشاهدة  340

6-Azza and Radwa are talking about space travel. ( P T)

Azza :I think t hat more money should be spent on exploring space.

Radwa : Why? 1) What are the advantages to that?

Azza :One advantage is that we can learn more about the earth by learning about other planets.

Radwa: I think that one day, everyone will travel to space. 

Azza :2) I don't agree/I'm not sure. . Not everyone will want to go to space.

Radwa : Are there any disadvantages to space travel?

Azza :3) What is its negative side?

Radwa : Yes, it is very expensive. However, I've heard that without space travel, we would not have a lot of the technology that we use every day. 4) I think some technology was first used in space..

Azza : Yes, that's correct. A lot of the technology that we use was first used on spaceships.

Radwa : 5 ) Could you tell me something about this technology?

Azza :Yes . An example is sat-nav systems in people's cars. Satellites were first used to send information about spaceships.

Radwa : My father's car has sat-nav. I think it's very useful.

Azza : 6) I couldn't agree more . I think it's useful, too.


7-Ali is interviewing Ahmed about a job in an animal’s hospital. ( P T)

Ali: 1) Do you have any work experience?

Ahmed: Yes. I’ve worked with a vet for six months.

Ali: Where are you from, Ahmed?

Ahmed : 2) I'm from Cairo

Ali: I’m from Cairo, too. 3) What are your interests.?

Ahmed : I love studying spiders. I collect them.

1Ali: 4) Really?

Ahmed : I have one here if you’d like to see it. 5) You can touch it.: It’s not poisonous.

Ali: 6) Thank you, but I don't want to touch it.


. 8-Sami meets an English tourist by a river. ( P T)

Sami: Excuse me. I advise you not to drink that water from that river.

Tourist : 1) Don't worry, I won't drink it.. I know that the water isn’t very clean.

Sami: 2) Where are you from?

Tourist : I’m from England. I’ve just spent a week walking across the desert.

Sami : 3) That's amazing! Wasn’t it dangerous?

Tourist : No, I studied how to live in the desert before I came here.

Sami : 4) Which skills did you learn?

Tourist : Skills such as using the sun to find your way. 5) What are your hobbies and interests?

Sami : I’ve got a lot of hobbies and interests. Sport is my favourite. I’m going to surf in the desert later.

Tourist : 6) You must be joking. .

Sami : No, I’m not joking. Look. You can watch me surfing on my phone.


9-Mariam and Rawia are discussing musical instruments. ( P T)

Mariam : Which musical instrument should we learn?

Rawia : 1) What about learning the drums?

Mariam : I'm not sure about that. Drums are too noisy. I like the piano. 2) Personally, I'd prefer to learn the piano?

Rawia : 3) I'd go along with that. . I'd like to play the piano.

Mariam : Do you think we should have piano lessons every day?

Rawia : 4)I don't think it's necessary to have lessons every day. I think one lesson a week is probably enough.

Mariam : 5) How often do you think we should practice?

Rawia: It's really important to practise every day.

Mariam : 6) What about practicing at my house?

Rawia : Thanks. I'd love to practise at your house.


10-Hala and Maya are meeting at the book club. ( P T)

Hala : There are only two of us here today. Where are the others? 

Maya : 1 ) I think that they must be watching the tennis competition.

Hala : You’re right. I forgot that the tennis competition was on TV.

Maya : We need to choose a new book for our book club next month.

Hala :2) How about a science fiction book?

Maya : I don’t like science fiction. What about a detective story?

Hala :3)What about a detective story. . Detective stories are always the same.

Maya :4 How about this non-fiction history book?

Hala :I’d go along with that. Non-fiction books always teach you something and that one about history looks interesting.

Maya :5 )It's probably a good idea to email the others in the book club.

Hala :Yes, you’re right. I’ll email them the book title so they know what we are going to read.

Maya :The next book club meeting will be the second anniversary of the club!

Hala : 6 ) That's fantastic.

Maya :Yes, it is good news, isn’t it?


11-Samir is talking to Nabil about his new television. ( P T)

Samir: 1) Do you know how to turn on this new television? My new TV is different to the TV we had before and I can’t turn it on.

Nabil: 2) I'll try and explain . It’s the same as my TV at home. 3) First of all, do you have the remote control

Samir: The remote control? Yes, it’s here. OK, it’s working now. Can you explain why it says it is looking for channels?

Nabil: 4) Here's what happens. . The first time your turn it on, it downloads the channels that you need.

Samir: Look, there’s a film channel. Shall we watch a film?

Nabil: I’m not sure. What time does it finish?

Samir : It finishes at seven o’clock. 5) Why don't you stay and watch it?

Nabil : Sorry. 6) I really think I should go home. I told my mother I’d be home at six.


12-Ashraf and Wael are waiting at a bus stop. ( P T)

Ashraf : I’ve got to be in the centre of Cairo in an hour. Where’s the bus? It’s late!

Wael : 1) Why don't you take the underground train? The underground is very fast.

Ashraf : But I’m meeting my friend at a bus stop in the centre.

Wael : 2) Surely the best thing to do is to take the underground. Then you can walk from the underground station to the bus stop in the centre.

Ashraf : Perhaps you’re right. I’ve not used the underground before. Do you know how to buy a ticket?

Wael: 3) I'll try and explain. Here’s what happens. 4) First of all, buy a ticket from the ticket office.

Ashraf : OK. What do I do after I’ve bought a ticket from the ticket office?

Wael : 5) Then, put your ticket into the machine.

Ashraf : Is it easy to put the ticket into the machine?

Wael : Yes, it is. Then the gates open and you can walk onto the platform to wait for the train.

Ashraf : 6) Can't I persuade you to come with me? I don’t want to go on my own.

Wael : Yes, OK. I’ll come with you. Then I can show you what to do.


13-Salesman : Can I help you?

Maha : Yes, 1) I wish to meet the manager, please

Salesman : I’m sorry, the manager is not available now. 2) Is there something wrong?

Maha : 3) I've got a complaint.

Salesman : A complaint. About what?

Maha : 4) about the dress I bought from this shop yesterday.

Salesman : What’s wrong with it?

  Maha : It shrank after I had washed it.

Salesman : No problem, madam. 5) You can have another one

Maha : But I don’t want another dress. I want my money back.

Salesman : OK. 6) but you must have the receipt.

Maha : Thank you. Here’s the receipt.

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  41

6-Azza and Radwa are talking about space travel. ( P T)

Azza :I think t hat more money should be spent on exploring space.

Radwa : Why? 1).................................................?

Azza :One advantage is that we can learn more about the earth by learning about other planets.

Radwa: I think that one day, everyone will travel to space. 

Azza :2) ...................................... . Not everyone will want to go to space.

Radwa : Are there any disadvantages to space travel?

Azza :3)...................................?

Radwa : Yes, it is very expensive. However, I've heard that without space travel, we would not have a lot of the technology that we use every day. 4) .........................................

Azza : Yes, that's correct. A lot of the technology that we use was first used on spaceships.

Radwa : 5 ) ...............................................................?

Azza :Yes . An example is sat-nav systems in people's cars. Satellites were first used to send information about spaceships.

Radwa : My father's car has sat-nav. I think it's very useful.

Azza : 6) ................................................... . I think it's useful, too.


7-Ali is interviewing Ahmed about a job in an animal’s hospital. ( P T)

Ali: 1) ........................................................?

Ahmed: Yes. I’ve worked with a vet for six months.

Ali: Where are you from, Ahmed?

Ahmed : 2).....................................................

Ali: I’m from Cairo, too. 3) ..............................................?

Ahmed : I love studying spiders. I collect them.

1Ali: 4) ........................?

Ahmed : I have one here if you’d like to see it. 5) .................................: It’s not poisonous.

Ali: 6) .........................................................................


. 8-Sami meets an English tourist by a river. ( P T)

Sami: Excuse me. I advise you not to drink that water from that river.

Tourist : 1) ................................................................ I know that the water isn’t very clean.

Sami: 2)..................................................?

Tourist : I’m from England. I’ve just spent a week walking across the desert.

Sami : 3).....................................! Wasn’t it dangerous?

Tourist : No, I studied how to live in the desert before I came here.

Sami : 4) .........................................?

Tourist : Skills such as using the sun to find your way. 5) .............................................................?

Sami : I’ve got a lot of hobbies and interests. Sport is my favourite. I’m going to surf in the desert later.

Tourist : 6) .............................................................. .

Sami : No, I’m not joking. Look. You can watch me surfing on my phone.


9-Mariam and Rawia are discussing musical instruments. ( P T)

Mariam : Which musical instrument should we learn?

Rawia : 1) .................................................................?

Mariam : I'm not sure about that. Drums are too noisy. I like the piano. 2) .................................................?

Rawia : 3)................................................... . I'd like to play the piano.

Mariam : Do you think we should have piano lessons every day?

Rawia : 4)........................................................... I think one lesson a week is probably enough.

Mariam : 5)....................................................................?

Rawia: It's really important to practise every day.

Mariam : 6)..............................................................?

Rawia : Thanks. I'd love to practise at your house.


10-Hala and Maya are meeting at the book club. ( P T)

Hala : There are only two of us here today. Where are the others? 

Maya : 1 ).......................................................................................

Hala : You’re right. I forgot that the tennis competition was on TV.

Maya : We need to choose a new book for our book club next month.

Hala :2) ........................................................?

Maya : I don’t like science fiction. What about a detective story?

Hala :3)........................................................................ . Detective stories are always the same.

Maya :4 .............................................................................?

Hala :I’d go along with that. Non-fiction books always teach you something and that one about history looks interesting.

Maya :5 )..........................................................................................................

Hala :Yes, you’re right. I’ll email them the book title so they know what we are going to read.

Maya :The next book club meeting will be the second anniversary of the club!

Hala : 6 ) ...........................................................

Maya :Yes, it is good news, isn’t it?


11-Samir is talking to Nabil about his new television. ( P T)

Samir: 1) .............................................................? My new TV is different to the TV we had before and I can’t turn it on.

Nabil: 2)....................................................... . It’s the same as my TV at home. 3) ..........................................

Samir: The remote control? Yes, it’s here. OK, it’s working now. Can you explain why it says it is looking for channels?

Nabil: 4) ....................................................... The first time your turn it on, it downloads the channels that you need.

Samir: Look, there’s a film channel. Shall we watch a film?

Nabil: I’m not sure. What time does it finish?

Samir : It finishes at seven o’clock. 5) ..........................................................?

Nabil : Sorry. 6).........................................................................................................


12-Ashraf and Wael are waiting at a bus stop. ( P T)

Ashraf : I’ve got to be in the centre of Cairo in an hour. Where’s the bus? It’s late!

Wael : 1) ..........................................................? The underground is very fast.

Ashraf : But I’m meeting my friend at a bus stop in the centre.

Wael : 2) ...................................................... Then you can walk from the underground station to the bus stop in the centre.

Ashraf : Perhaps you’re right. I’ve not used the underground before. Do you know how to buy a ticket?

Wael: 3) .................................................. Here’s what happens. 4) .....................................................................

Ashraf : OK. What do I do after I’ve bought a ticket from the ticket office?

Wael : 5) .............................................................

Ashraf : Is it easy to put the ticket into the machine?

Wael : Yes, it is. Then the gates open and you can walk onto the platform to wait for the train.

Ashraf : 6) ...............................................................? I don’t want to go on my own.

Wael : Yes, OK. I’ll come with you. Then I can show you what to do.


13-Salesman : Can I help you?

Maha : Yes, 1) ................................................................................

Salesman : I’m sorry, the manager is not available now. 2) ........................................?

Maha : 3) .............................................................

Salesman : A complaint. About what?

Maha : 4) ...................................................................

Salesman : What’s wrong with it?

  Maha : It shrank after I had washed it.

Salesman : No problem, madam. 5) ...............................................................

Maha : But I don’t want another dress. I want my money back.

Salesman : OK. 6) .......................................................................

Maha : Thank you. Here’s the receipt.

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  460

     (السوال الرابع (المحادثة


1-Amir is discussing his homework with Nasser. ( P T)

Amir : I need to research information about Rudyard Kipling for an essay, but I don't know which

website to use.

Nasser: 1) .................................................................................................

Amir :I tried typing his name into a search engine but I got hundreds of results. One website said that he wrote only one poem.

Nasser: 2) ...........................................

He wrote lots of poems. Where did you find that information?

Amir : It's a website called All about poems. Do you think that the information is wrong?

Nasser Yes. 3) ................................. I think that's incorrect. What's the title of the essay?

Amir : 4 ).........................................................................

Nasser: OK. Type the essay title Rudyard Kipling's most popular poems in the search engine. You will get fewer results now.

Amir : Yes, look: Kipling's ten most popular poems!

Nasser: 5 ) ...................................................................................

Amir :Yes, I think it is very useful.

Nasser :It's important to write down your sources of information. 6) ..............................................................?

Amir : That's a good idea. I'll w rite it at the bottom of my work.


2-Zeinab and Riham are planning a school project( P T)

. Zeinab: It says here that because Australia is moving north every year, sat-navs can't find some important places.

Riham: 1) I................................. It can't be true.

Zeinab: No, this is real news. It is not fake.

Riham :2)......................................................?

Zeinab: I can prove it because it's on the website of an organisation that I can trust. Do you think that I should write about this for my school project?

Riham: Yes. 3)...................................................................... 

Zeinab: I agree, it would be interesting. How do you think I should start it?

Riham: 4 ) .............................................................................

Zeinab: OK, I'll start by describing why it is moving north.

Riham: You should definitely include where you got the information, too. 5).........................................?

Zeinab: It's a website called True facts about Australia.6). .........................................................?

Riham :That's a good idea. I'll see if I can find other interesting information on the same website.


3-Warda is telling Samia about some work. ( P T)

Warda: I've been asked to write an' article for a website.

Samia;1) ..................................... . What's it about? Warda It's about recycling.

Samia: 2) ......................................................?

Warda: I chose recycling because I think it's an important subject.

Samia: What is going to be in the article?

Warda :Well, it's a bit difficult to explain .

Samia :3) .................................................................. ?

Warda :Yes, to summarise, the article is going to be about how people can recycle more.

Samia: 4).................................................................?

Warda ;For two reasons. Firstly, I sent them the idea for the article last week and they it. 5. ) ...........................................................................................

Samia : When did you write for them before?

Warda :I wrote an article last year. 6) ..................................................................


4-Ramy and Shady are talking about a friend who has a new job. ( P T)

Ramy : Ahmed has got a new job at the bank in Damietta.

Shady: 1) .............................................................. When does he start?

Ramy : Next week. 2 ) ...............................................................

Shady: Yes, I'm sure he can't wait to start. 3)................................................................?

Ramy :For two reasons. Firstly, because they pay him well. 4) ..........................................

Shady: Yes, you must be good with numbers to work in a bank!

Ramy : He has friends in Damietta, too.

Shady : 5 ) ...........................................................................?

Ramy :Yes. He knows Damietta very well, too. Look. This is the title of his new job. It's very long .

Shady : 6) ......................................................................?

Ramy :Yes . To paraphrase, it means that he is in charge of business accounts.


5-Hazem and Imad are talking about revising( P T)

Hazem : I've heard that you always revise at night. 1) ........................................?

Imad : Yes, that's right.

Hazem : 2) ..............................................................?

Imad : One advantage is that it is much quieter at night.

Hazem :3)............................................. . It is quieter then . 4) .....................................................................?

Imad :A negative side is that I feel tired the next day.

Hazem:Yes, I'm sure you feel tired. It's harder to remember things at night, isn't it?

Imad :5) ........................................................................................ . I remember things better then.

Hazem : Well, we all have different ways to revise!

Imad :6) ................................................