بالعلم ترتقى الامم

الفلسفة والمنطق

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  103

they are true or false giving reasons: (9 marks)

A) The discovery of inevitability in biology is one of the factors that

contributed to the emergence of modern Determinism.

B) To 'Rousseau', democracy is a means for social reform.

C) Ethics is a normative discipline to the Positivist Communitarians.

D) To 'Al-Farabi', virtue lies midway between two extremes, both of

them are vilified.

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  106

A) Review the critiques of 'Shaftsbury's' moral sense approach.

B) Identify the three powers of the soul in 'Miskawayh's' view.

C) 'Al-Ghazali' established two concepts of good and evil (beauty and

ugliness). Prove that.

D) The physical evidence is one of the proofs that proponents of

freedom provides to support their position. Analyse the statement.

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  95

A) Define the relationship between freedom and responsibility in

'Sartre's' view.

B) To 'Kant', duty is the necessity of doing the act in respect for the

law of reason in itself. Illustrate giving an example.

C) Pleasure or utility is the moral ultimate good for Utilitarians.


D) To 'Al-Farabi' happiness is the end of every moral act. Discuss.