بالعلم ترتقى الامم


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اجابة  1   مشاهدة  131


B) Translate into English:

21" -الثائر الحق هو الذي ٌيثور لٌيهدم الفساد ثم ٌيهدأ لٌيبنًي الأمجاد " قال هذا الامام الكبٌير الشٌيخ الشعراوي.

The real revolutionary protests to defeat corruption, then calms down to build glories" said " the great Imam Sheik El Sharawy

22 -لقد اثبت الشباب المصري انه واعًي ، متحضر ومحب لوطنه وحرٌيص على تقدمه.

The Egyptian Youth have proved that they are aware, civilized, loving their country and keen .on its progress

23ٌ -يجب ان نعمل جمٌيعا بجد فًي كل المجالات حتى تصبح مصر من الكثر الدول تقدما وازدهارا.

We should all work hard in all fields so that Egypt will become one of the most progressed .and prosperous countries

24ٌ -يجب علٌينا أن نتصدي وبكل حزم لكل أعمال البلطجة والفساد .

.We must face strictly all the acts of bullying and corruption

25 -البد من تشجٌيع الاستثمارات الأجنبٌية فًي مصر من أجل النهوض بالاقتصاد المصري.

Foreign investments in Egypt should be encouraged to improve the Egyptian economy

26 -كل ما نحلم به هو فرصة حقٌيقٌية للتعلٌيم، للعمل، للرعاٌية الصحٌية.

All that we dream of is a real opportunity for education, employment and health care

27 -تعتبر الزلازل والبراكٌين والعواصف وأمواج التسونامًي كلها ظواهر طبٌيعٌية تدمر كل انجازات الإنسان

 Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes and tsunamis are all natural phenomena which destroy all the achievements of man

28 -لقد صنعت مصر الكمبٌيوتر اللوحًي المصري الأول الذى ٌيسمى ' آٌينار' فًي مصانع التصنٌيع العسكري.

Egypt has manufactured the first Egyptian tablet called "Inar" in the military manufacturing factories

29 -مشروع تطوٌير محور قناة السوٌيس ٌيعتبر المشروع الوطنًي لمصر فًي القرن الحادي والعشرٌين.

The project of developing the axis of the Suez Canal is considered Egypt’s 21st century national project

30 -وزارة التموٌين تبذل جهودا مخلصة من أجل رفع نوعٌية ظروف حٌياة المصرٌٌيين خاصة فًي الخبز والمنتجات النفطٌية مثل الجازولٌين والبنزٌين.

The ministry of ration is exerting sincere efforts to raise the quality of the Egyptians life  conditions especially in bread and petroleum products such as gasoline and petrol

31 -المؤسسة الدولٌة ” سامسونج “ فتحت مصنع إلكترونٌيات عمالق فًي صعٌيد مصر.

The international enterprise "Samsung" has opened a giant electronics factory in Upper Egypt 

 32 -اطلاق سراح جنودنا المخطوفٌين فًي سٌيناء كان ضربة قاسٌية للإرهاب والتطرف.

Freeing our kidnapped soldiers in Sinai was a severe blow to terrorism and radicalism extremism

33 -بالرغم من مزاٌيا المفاعلات النووٌية ولكن أي تسرب إشعاعًي ٌيمكن أن ٌيسبب أضرارا هائلة.

Despite the advantages of nuclear reactors, any radiation leak can cause / result in enormous damage

34 -من الضروري أن نرشد استخدام الطاقة فًي المنازل و أماآن العمل.

.It is important to rationalize using energy in homes and workplaces

35 -تبذل الحكومة قصارى جهدها لتحسٌن علاقات مصر مع دول حوض النٌيل.

The government is doing its best to improve Egypt's relations with the Nile Basin countries

36ٌ -عتبر تهر النٌل مصدرا للرخاء والأذدهار لمصر والسودان ولذا ٌيجب أن نرشد استهلاكه ونحافظ على نظافته .

The river Nile is considered a source of prosperity and flourishing for Egypt and the Sudan, .so we must rationalize its consumption and keep it clean

37ٌ -يجب علٌينا ترشٌيد المٌياه لتجنب أزمة المٌياه مع دول حوض النٌيل.

.We must rationalize water use to avoid water crisis with the Nile basin countries

38ٌ -ينبغى أن تعتمد مصر مشارٌيع للوقاٌية من نقص فى المٌياه فى المستفبل .

.Egypt should adopt projects to prevent water shortage in the future

39 -انه من المحتمل ان الصراع الرئٌيسى فى أفرٌيقٌيا فى الخمسه والعشرٌين العام القادمه سٌيكون على أزمه المٌياه.

.The main conflicts in Africa during the next 25 years could be over water crisis 

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  86

Exam: Units (1-6) Chapters: 1-2)

A / Vocabulary and Structure

1. – What did you choose this book ……………..? – Mainly because it is interesting.
a. with                   b. about              c. for                           d. why
2. It was ……………… difficult question that I couldn’t answer it.
a. such                b. a such                    c. such a                   d. such an
3. Is this dress ……………….. in larger sizes?
a. available              b. separated                 c. freelance               d. stressful
4. She said she was ill, ……..…….. she meant she didn’t want to attend the party.
a. at which               b. in which            c. which                 d. by which
5. Yesterday Maysa went to the bank to deposit some money into her …………………. .
a. account                  b. amount                c. contact                  d. connect
6. I’ll finish all the reports before I ……………….. home.
a. will go                  b. had gone                  c. went                        d. go
7. Hearing about the big number of victims in the last flood …………….. my heart.
a. took                   b. broke                         c. hit                           d. suffocated
8. This food isn’t ………………….. for you to eat.
a. so healthy              b. healthy enough           c. too healthy          d. such healthy
9. The speech the president gave was so …………… that a lot of people broke into tears.
a. challenging            b. moving          c. ruling                   d. licensed
10. …………….. thirteen years since I came to live here.
a. I have                   b. It has                   c. It been                     d. It is
11. Florence Nightingale was asked to be ………………… wounded soldiers abroad.
a. charged with             b. charge of            c. in charge           d. in charge of
12. Not …………….. woman in our society has a job.
a. neither          b. every                c. all                  d. both
13. What …………… do you have that what you say is true?
a. proof                  b. confirm           c. evident                      d. prove
14. The two players did badly in the match since ……… of them had trained well before playing.
a. both                        b. all                 c. either                    d. neither
15. Maria …………… her hair blonde. It looks nicer now.
a. soaked              b. pressed                c. bleached                  d. removed
16. Your opponent is ……………. powerful that he can easily knock you down.
a. such                b. so                  c. too                        d. such a
17. A/An ……………. is a work that contains information on all branches of knowledge.
a. mixture                b. encyclopedia                   c. papyrus              d. gadget
18. ……………… student in the class was given a task to finish before Monday.
a. Both                     b. Half                      c. Every                          d. All
19. My brother is a tennis ………………….. . He loves playing and watching it.
a. enthusiasm                 b. enthusiastic             c. enthusiastically           d. enthusiast
20. The people ……………….. next door to me are very noisy.
a. who living            b. living                  c. that living                   d. live
21. The ………………. of education seeks hard to develop the educational system.
a. culture                  b. ministry                  c . science                  d. lecture
22. I …………………… this car for four years now.
a. have been having              b. had had             c. am having            d. have had
23. Two of the guests had a fight and ……………… last night’s party.
a. silenced                     b. disciplined             c. spoiled                d. ached
24. …………….. had she finished cooking than she sat down to have some rest.
a. Having            b. Immediately on             c. No sooner               d. By the time
25. The little girl got …………….. while doing the math’s homework which was too difficult.
a. confused             b. impressive              c. fashionable             d. attached
26. I can’t see you tomorrow evening. I ………………… my uncle off at the airport.
a. am meeting               b. will meet          c. will be met          d. going to meet
27. Yehia Haqqi had a strong ……………….. in the power of books.
a. believer             b. belief                 c. believable                           d. believe
28. Where’s the book …………………. to you yesterday?
a. which I gave it                b. I gave it               c. that I gave it                   d. I gave
29. Note down all the findings of the survey you have just ………………….. .
a. made                         b. done                   c. paid                           d. given
30. When I was young, I usually ………………… to the club at the weekend.
a. used to go                 b. was going                  c. have gone                d. went

B Reading Comprehension

2- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:

Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions. It is a process that involves a sender, a receiver, a message and a channel. The information passes through different communication channels. There can be different types of communication. Based on communication channels, it can be divided into two types: verbal communication and non-verbal communication.
Verbal communication includes written and oral communication while non-verbal communication includes body language like gesture, pasture, nodding and expressions. Oral communication includes the spoken words. It can either be face-to-face or chatting with the people over the phone or over the internet. Here, conversations might be influenced by the voice tone and the level, speed and clearness of speaking. Written communication can be either by post, letter, fax, or email. The effectiveness of this communication can be affected by the writing style, grammar and vocabulary used and clearness and accuracy of language.
In non verbal communication, the facial expressions are very important as they show the mood of the person who is speaking. The gestures express the emotions like a handshake,
a smile or a hug.

Based on style and purpose, there are two types of communication; formal and informal.Formal communication usually relates to a large or small group speaking. It is mostly strict and bound to rules. All sort of business or corporate communication is formal. Conferences, meetings, written memos and corporate letters are also formal. It can occur between two strangers when they meet for the first time. This kind of communication should be straightforward and precise. Informal communication is a type in which people talk to each other freely. It can be between friends, family and relatives. It does not have any rigid rules and guidelines. It does not restrict with the time limit, place and events or subjects. It is a more emotional form of communication with less emphasis on non-verbal communication and more emphasis on real feelings.

Answer the following questions:
1. What are the two types of communication according to the channel?
a. Personal and interpersonal.               b. Verbal and non-verbal.
c. Formal and Informal.                          d. Written and emotional.
2. Facial expressions are important because ………………………………………. .
a. They show the mind of the speaker.             b. They show the speaker’s feelings.
c. They show the body of the speaker.               d. They show the speaker’s relations.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Verbal communication occurs through body language.
b. Informal communication is not bound to rules.
c. Business communications are usually informal.
d. Oral communication includes written words.
4. What does the communication process involve?
a. A channel, a message and a receiver.

b. A sender, a receiver, a message and a channel.
c. A sender, a receiver and a message.

d. A sender, a receiver, a message and a chance.
5. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
a. The channel           b. Communication        c . The message       d. The information
6. The word “rigid” is close in meaning to ………………………. .
a. strict                    b. free           c. combined                           d. delicate
7. What two ways in which oral communication takes place?
8. What type of communication happens freely between friends?
9. What do people exchange through communication?
10. Informal communication is more emotional than formal communication.

The Novel (The Prisoner of Zenda )

3- a. Choose the correct answer :( 4 Marks )

1. Rose was annoyed with Rassendyll when …………………………………………….. .
a. he spoke about his rich family.           b. he said opportunities are responsibilities.
c. he spoke about his brother.               d. he said he would work in a terrible embassy.
2. What did Johann say to justify his looking surprised on seeing Rassendyll?
a. Rassendyll looked exactly like the King.                  b. Rassendyll’s hair was red.
c. He didn’t expect to see guests in the inn.             d. Rassendyll’s nose was straight.
3. How was the King affected by eating the cakes?
a. His face was white.                                 b. He was breathing quickly.

c. He was lying on the bed.                       d. His pulse was weak and slow.

4. What pushed the Duke to poison his brother?
a. To inherit his palace.                       b. To take the throne.

c. To steal his money.                         d. To restore the hunting lodge.

B . Answer TWO (2) of the following questions :( 3Marks)

1. The King of Ruritania was generous. Do you agree? Why / Why not?

2. If you were Fritz, would you agree that Rassendyll should attend the coronation with the King? Why or why not?
3. The King’s love for food could have killed him. Illustrate.

C / Writing

4 - Finish the following dialogue :(6 Marks )

Between Soha and a salesman in a clothes shop.

Salesman: Can I help you?
Soha : Yes, …………………………………………………………………………………….. (1). Salesman: I’m sorry, the manager is not available now……………………………. (2)?

Soha : …………………………………………………………………………………………... (3). Salesman: A complaint. About what?
Soha : …………………………………………………………………………………………... (4).
Salesman: What’s wrong with it?
Soha : It shrank after I had washed it. Salesman: No problem, madam. …………………………………………………………………. (5).

Soha : But I don’t want another dress. I want my money back.

Salesman: OK. ……………………………………………………………………………………… (6). Soha : Thank you. Here’s the receipt

Write a paragraph of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) words on ONE(1) of the following :(7Marks)

. a. The importance of poetry.                         b. Teachers’ role in building society.

6- A. Translate into Arabic :( 3Marks)

1. There are many things to be said in favour of technological advancement which undoubtedly makes people's lives easier.

2. Reducing stress is something that we should all try to do through some form of exercise.

B. Translate ONE (1) sentence only in English :(2Marks)

1- من حق المرأة أن تتولى أعلى المناصب في الدولة لأنها نصف المجتمع .

2- علينا أن ندرك أن الدور الحقيقي للمال هو خدمة الحق لا أن تُسخر كل أنشظة الحياة لخدمته .

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  94

Exam: Units (1-3) Chapters: 1-2)

A / Vocabulary and Structure

1. The salary they offered was ………… to that of a trainee doctor, so I refused to take the job.
a. collective               b. comparable           c. comprehensive             d. permanent

2. My father isn’t here. He ………………… in the office.

a. had been           b. had gone              c. has gone                   d. is

3. This critical situation ……………….. immediate action.

a. responds           b. reminds               c. demands              d. compares

4. At this time next week, we ……………………… the final match.

a. going to play         b. will be playing          c. will have played           d. will been played

5. I have already ……………… the file to the e-mail.

a. published            b. disciplined           c. silenced                        d. attached

6. The maid ……………….. a rest until she had done all the housework.

a. wasn’t taken              b. didn’t took             c . wouldn’t take               d. hadn’t taken

7. ……………….. are things that people do because they are traditional.

a. Styles            b. Fashions              c. Customs                    d. Publications

8. While ………………. over Cairo, the pyramids looked fantastic.

a. flying            b. were flying            c. we were flying              d. we flying

9. Some studies show a strong ………………….. between pesticide use and certain diseases.
a. importance             b. association             c. coronation               d. confession

10. It’s very hot in the house. I …………………. on the air conditioner.

a. am turning               b. turn             c. will turn               d. am going to turn

11. Our trainer is quite ………………., but we all like him.

a. strict                b. fatherly                      c. enthusiastic                  d. friendly

12. By next Saturday, my car ………………………………… .

a. will be repairing                            b. will have been repaired

c. will have repaired                    d. will repair

13. My mother ………….. my shirt in soapy water to remove the stains from it

a. shocked         b. soaked              c. sought                d. slammed

14. Ali …………………. out so you can’t talk to him.

a. had already gone          b. has just gone        c. used to go                d. usually goes

15. Stricter speed limit enforcement has ……………… the number of car accidents.
a. replaced               b. positioned               c. recycled                   d. reduced

16. Watch out! The baby …………………….. .

a. will fall              b. is falling             c. is going to fall                d. will be fallen

17. Our kitchen is equipped with all the latest …………………… .

a. galleries         b. garments            c. gadgets             d. moistures

18. What ………………….. since you left university?
a. have you done            b. did you do         c. were you doing               d. are you doing

19. People who have a ……………….. do the same things every day.

a. router            b. route               c. root                  d. routine

20. I ………………….. Chinese food before I ate in that Chinese restaurant.

a. had not tried             b. won’t try           c. did not try                  d. was not tried

21. We’ll notify you as soon as tickets become …………………. .

a. believable              b. attached              c. degradable               d. available

22. She was doing her homework ……………… her father returned home.

a. when             b. during             c. while             d. on

23. Ali …….………… a revision plan two months before the exams.

a. does always         b. always does        c. makes always        d. always makes

24. On seeing the fire, the man …………………… the fire brigade.

a. had called              b. was called         c. was calling             d. called

25. Adel loves windsurfing. He shows a lot of ………………… for the sport.

a. enthusiasm           b. communication          c. resistance             d. literature

26. It’s a long time since I ……………….. my uncle.
a. have seen last          b. have last seen        c. last saw          d. see last

27. When he was told that strange story, he stared in ……………. and disbelief.

a. conclusion       b. confusion          c. confidence         d. confirmation

28. What …………………….. when I phoned you? You sounded very busy.

a. had you done            b. did you do          c. were you done             d. were you doing

29. Each of the people in the study lost a/an ………………….. of six pounds in weight.
a. liquid          b. average           c . ability               d. revenge

30. Maria first wrote poems when she ……………….. at university.

a. had          b. was been           c. was            d. was being

B Reading Comprehension

2- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:

Being a journalist is not an easy job. In fact there are many risks that a journalist has to take in order to succeed in covering certain events. The risks involve being threatened with death by people in authority or wealthy businessmen. Some journalists cover life-threatening events such forest fires, wars and hurricanes.
Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers
with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began
“Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace”. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.
The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. A week
later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that the he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace. 

Answer the following questions:
1. What happened to the journalist?
a. He lived in the palace.                         b. He was caught by the police.

He met the president.                               d. He was buried under the palace.

2. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. The article that the journalist sent was never published.

b. The journalist didn’t manage to obtain the required facts.

c. The journalist was sent to prison for not getting the facts.

d. The journalist was arrested while counting the steps.

3. What extra information was the journalist asked to obtain?

The height of the president.                 b. The number of the palace rooms.

The height of the wall.                               d. The height of the palace.

Why was the editor impatient?
a. The journalist was arrested.                 b. The newspaper was closed.
c. The president sent him a fax.                  d. The needed facts didn’t arrive.

5. The underlined word “it” refers to the ……………………… .

a. sentence               b. fax                  c. article                d. palace

6. To be "fired" here means to be ………………………. .

a. shot with a gun         b. dismissed              c. set on fire          d. promoted

7. According to the editor, in what case would the journalist leave work?
8. Where was the journalist asked to go?

9. Mention three kinds of danger that journalists face.

10. Do you think the extra facts the editor asked for were important? Why / Why not?

The Novel (The Prisoner of Zenda )

3- a. Choose the correct answer :( 4 Marks )

1-Why was there no one to meet Rassendyll “the King” at the station?
a. Because no one loved to meet him.              b. Because he had arrived late.

c- As he had arrived an hour earlier.           d. As the Duke wanted no one to meet the King.

2. Because she overheard Sapt’s plan, the old woman ……………………………….. .

  1. was sent to prison.               b. was killed by the King’s guards.
  2. was buried with Josef.                       d. was locked in the cellar.

3. The King of Ruritania was almost a stranger because ………………………………….. .

a-he had always lived abroad.               

b. he became thinner and more serious.

c-he lived in the rich part of the capital.

d. he lived in the forest for most of his life.

  1. What was Rudolf Rassendyll skilled at?
    a. Meeting people and talking to them. b. Attending parties and dancing.
  1. Riding a horse and using a gun. d. Hunting and eating good food.

B . Answer TWO (2) of the following questions :( 3Marks)

1. The innkeeper and her daughter were different. Explain.
2. Rose was a practical woman. Do you agree? Why / Why not?

3. From your point of view, how did the Duke exploit his brother’s weaknesses?

C / Writing

4 - Finish the following dialogue :(6 Marks )

Mr. Ameen is at the police station.

Policeman : Please, sir. I’m in a real fix. ……………………………………………………. (1)?
Mr. Ameen: Of course, I will. But please stop crying and ………………………………… (2).
Policeman : Well, sir. ...................................................................................................... (3). Mr. Ameen: When did this happen?
Policeman : In the afternoon while he was coming back home from school.

Mr. Ameen: How did you make sure that he was kidnapped?

Policeman : …………………………………………………………………………………… (4).
Mr. Ameen: …………………………………………………………………………………… (5)? Policeman : He said if I wanted to get my son back, I would have to pay a ransom.

Mr. Ameen: Do you have any enemies, sir?

Policeman : No, I don’t. But I’m a wealthy businessman and the kidnapper must be greedy for my money.

Mr. Ameen: Don’t worry, sir. ……………………………………………………………….. (6).

Policeman : I hope you will do. I will die if I don’t recover my son.

Write a paragraph of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) words on ONE(1) of the following :(7Marks)

  1. The qualities of a good writer. b. What makes a successful teacher.

6- A. Translate into Arabic :( 3Marks)

1. Children who spend a lot of time watching TV are often lazy, obese and worse at school.
2. Man has spoilt several environmental elements and resources since his existence on the earth.

B. Translate ONE (1) sentence only in English :(2Marks)

1- يُجري العلماء المصريون أبحاث هامة جدا في مختلف المحالات .

2- لقد أحدثت التكنولوجيا الحديثة تغيرا هائلا في حياة الإنسان في العصر الحديث .


منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  217

 Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- In my country, it's ................... for women to get married in white.

a) tradition               b) custom               c) customary                       d) habit

2- The children ………..their toys for charity.

a) gave in           b) gave off           c) gave away                        d) gave up

3- …………..are the food making factories for plants.

a) Trunks             b) Leaves             c) barks                   d) Branches

4- He was too…………..to ask for help even if he were in a fix.

  1. modest             b) vain              c) strong                 d) brave

5- This loud noise usually………….me a severe headache.

  1. gives            b) makes          c) does                d) cause

6- My grandpa sometimes gets…………, and doesn’t even know what day it is.

  1. confusing          b) confessed          c) confusion               d) confused

7-One of the parents entered the school angrily and asked to meet anyone ……………

a) in charge of           b) in change of           c) in charge                d) in change

8-Some students are very lazy and don’t show any …………... towards their study.

a) enthusiastic         b) enthusiast         c) enthusiasm             d) enthusiastically

9- Mohamed is a very …………student. He usually attends all lectures and does all his work well.

  1. sociable              b) conscientious           c) unconscious              d) social

10- Our professor didn't want to be…………………by anyone during the lecture.

  1. corrupted                b) interrupted            c) interpreted             d) intrude

11- Dr. Aisha Abdel Rahman used to write under a pen name as a ………of respect for her father.

  1. signal                  b) sign                c) mark                                 d) degree

12-We all admire our teacher as he is known to speak……………English

  1. fluent               b) fluently              c) frequently                     d) well

13- To remain………………,you need to improve your existing skills and acquire new ones.

a)employ               b)employable               c) employer                d) employment

14- We all agree that ……………..air is one of the biggest problems facing industrial countries.

a)pollution               b) polluted                  c) polluting                        d) pollutants

15- I…………......... recently. No one helps me.

a) have the garden watered                 b) have watered the garden

c) water the garden                               d) have been watered the garden

16- I think the woman …………the red blouse is the one the police look for everywhere.

  1. Who in               b) who wear               c) in                   d) whose in

17- Most of our windows want…………….. They are very dusty.

  1. clean            b) to clean                c) to cleaning                 d) cleaning

18-I didn't watch the match………….my little son had broken the television.

  1. as                      b) until               c) before                  d) having

19- Habiba met her primary school teacher yesterday. She ……….him since she was in primary six.

a) didn’t meet                            b) haven't met

c) hadn't met                    d) haven't been meeting

20- Moaz…………. the six o' clock train yesterday, so he got to the station just in time.

  1. should have taken               b) should take

c) had to take                                   d) needn't take

21- This time tomorrow, my uncle………………. before having an operation on his heart.

  1. will examine                                  b) will be examining

c) will have examined                              d) will be examined

22- So badly……………………...that his father decided to punish him.

a)did he behave                         b) does he behave

c) was he behaved                       d) he behaved

23- Nowadays, I am facing two complex problems. …………….. needs much effort to be handled.

  1. Both               b) Both of them                c) All                           d) Each

24- Our team was believed ………………more effectively in yesterday's match.

  1. to play                                        b) that they played
  2. c) to have played                      d) to be playing

25- The reason for all horrible train accidents happening from time to time ……………unknown.

  1. is still               b) are still                c) was still                   d) were still.

26- …………he have enough money, he will buy that mobile. It is possible.

  1. Should               b) Had             c) If                             d) Were

27- It 's exactly four yeas……………………I last played football with my friends.

  1. since                  b) when            c) for                           d) ago

28- I asked Mohammed………………………..broke the window,

  1. if                b) that               c) why                         d) who

29- He told me that he would only come to the party the next day until he……….all his homework.

  1. would finish            b) has finished       c) finished              d) will finish

30- What ……..you do if you cut your finger?

  1. will             b) would                  c) would have                 d) shall

B Reading Comprehension

2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

The leap from secondary school to university is a huge one. Suddenly, you are no longer in familiar surroundings and are responsible for yourself. For some students that is a bit frightening, while for others it is reason for excitement. Having had to wear a silly school uniform for years, I was thrilled to get rid of it. There were rules at university, too. Basically, I had to attend most of my tutorials and hand in any assignments my tutors had set for me. You don’t have teachers running after you to correct homework. Lecturers give you knowledge that you somehow have to learn. You aren't taught; you are given knowledge from academics. Other than that, I was free to do as I wished it wasn't even compulsory to go to lectures. However, too much freedom and a lack of routine can lead to trouble. Several people I knew fell so far behind that they gave up and dropped out of university I was very nearly one of them. Students' life is liberating, but it also requires a measure of self-control and a strong determination to succeed. Finding that balance was one of the hardest things. I'd ever had to do. It was well worth it though because, in the end, I learnt how to talk care of myself and work towards a bright future.

To conclude, going to university isn’t an easy matter however you have to bear much responsibility. You have to be very self-motivated and an independent learner


A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

  1. Who do you think, are responsible for students' progress at university?

a) professors            b) teachers           c) themselves                 d) parents

  1. Life in secondary school and university is……………

a) different               b) the same              c) similar                  d) useless

3-You …………. Attend lectures at university.

  1. must                 b) mustn't               c) needn't                       d) shouldn't

4- For the writer, wearing a school uniform is ………………

a) thrilling                  b)thrilled           c) boring                   d) exciting.

5- What does the pronoun it refer to?

  1. One of the hardest things                       b) determination

c) finding the balance                                   d) the future

6- What does the underlined word independent mean?

a) depend on others                           b) depend on yourself

c) ask others' for advice                    d) learn from professors

B- Answer the following questions:

  1. How do students look at university?
  2. What is the bad effect of too much freedom at university?
  3. What does university life require?
  4. Suggest a suitable title for this passage

The Novel

3 a Choose the correct answer:

1. How did Rassendyll feel when Detchard smiled at Flavia's house?

a) He felt unsafe                           b) He felt angry

 c) He felt ashamed                       d) He felt insult

2.How could the mansion be reached?

a) by the drawbridge                                  b) by a wide road

c) by a narrow road                                  d) by the high bridge

3.Why was the chief of police looking for Rassendyll?

a) as he disappeared near Zenda           

b)as the ambassador reported him missing

c) His family hasn't heard of him                      d) Both b and c

4.Who did Rassendyll see when he was in the moat for the second time?

a) Robert and Detchard                      b) Robert and De Gautet

c) The king and Detchard                    d) Rupert and De Gautet

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1. From you point of view, what is the moral of " The prisoner of Zenda"?

2. Fate played a very vital role in saving the king's life. Explain.

3. On fighting Michael's men, Rassendyll was lucky. Give Two examples to prove that.

C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:

Between two friends who are arguing about a football match

Ahmed : Did you enjoy Ahli 's match yesterday ?

Tamir : 1) ............................................................................................... .

Ahmed : Neither did I. It was a compact match.

Tamir : 2)……………………………………………………………………………….....?

Ahmed : I think he wasn't fair enough. He looked nervous and used his whistle a lot.

Tamir : You are right. 3)………………………………………………………………….?

Ahmed : The plan wasn't good and there was no co-operation between the team members.

Tamir : Anyhow. When is the next match?

Ahmed : 4)………………………………………………………………………………….

Tamir : Will you watch at the stadium?

Ahmed : 5) .............................................................................................….............

Tamir : So will I. .6)…………………………………………………………………….?

Ahmed : It will be in Cairo Stadium next Friday?

5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a A friend in need is a friend indeed.

b A book you read and affected you greatly.

6 A Translate into Arabic:

1. It is time to make use of the fruits of modern technology to put our precious country on the right path with developed countries.

2. The new regional road and the giant engineering works all over Egypt prove that Egyptians can do miracles.

B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

  1. كما لا يستطيع الانسان الاستغناء عن الماء والطعام فهو لا يستطيع الاستغناء عن النوم أيضا.
  2. كلما ازداد قلق الفرد وتوتره كلما قل تركيزه وكثرت اخطائه.
منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  64

Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Charles Dickens wrote great novels…………..Oliver Twist.

a) as                 b) such                   c) like                         d) as if

2- ………………, the man was taken back to prison.

a) On arresting                        b) After arresting             

c) When arrested                      d) Having arrested

3- The company needs an………….. to work as an accountant.

a) employ            b) employer               c) employee               d) employment

4- A lot of countries in Africa are suffering from ……. There has been no rain for a long time.

a) draught                 b) doubt                 c) draft                    d) drought

5- Farmers are expecting to have a good………..this year.

a) news                 b) bread                  c) harvest                    d ) grains

6- She wondered if…………………………

a)he will pass the exam.                             b) will he pass the exam?

c) had he passed the exam?                           d) he had passed the exam .

7- Unless I’d had protective glasses, I…………………….the eclipse

a) couldn’t watch                                  b) wouldn’t watch

c) wouldn’t have watched                     d) would have watched

8- I am………..European but my wife is a Sudanese.

a) a               b) an                 c) the                     d) no article

9- The ship will never sail again . It is…………..disabled

a) currently              b) permanently             c) personally                  d) slowly

10- Nobel Prizes are not given …….. as a result of a competition, but as recognition for pioneering work.

a) out             b) off             c) away               d) up

11- I find this music deeply……….., it caused strong feeling of sadness or sympathy.

a) moved           b) moving           c) challenging             d) respectable

12- The question is…………to understand

a) so difficult                  b) such difficult

c) too difficult                  d) difficult enough

13- If you are working for an organization, they find the ………. for you.

a) producers               b) passengers                c) clients                d) consumers

14- Since I ………in Cairo, I haven’t seen my friend Ali

a) were                  b) was               c) have been                       d) had been

15- I admire Taha Hussein as a writer as his writing………..is unique.

a) attitude                    b) system                c) style                       d) behaviour.

16- Dr Magdy Yaccob set up a- an………..to help children with heart problems.

a) ministry               b) group                 c) civilization                     d) association

17- I suggest stopping………….the new designs as that was a waste of time.

a) watch              b) watches            c) watched                    d) watching

18- Paper, plastic and glass can be……….and used again.

a) reconstructed            b) recycled                 c) restored                    d) recovered

19- Dr. Aisha wrote many articles fighting for women’s…………

a) rights                b) opinions               c) sounds                  d) books

20- I didn’t expect …………….

a) what said                                       b) which said

c) what had been said                        d) what had said

21- Parents………….leave their young children go out with bare feet.

a) should always                 b) should never

c) must                                 d) need to

22- Space………..costs a lot of money. The governments should spend it on education instead.

a) discovery              b) invention            c) exploration                 d) expectation

23- People who have ……… ..mustn’t eat many sweets.

a) insomnia               b) failure            c) cancer                    d) diabetes

24- There are two restaurants by the park and they are..................... very good.

a) all                  b )either                      c) each                       d) both

25- I went to the barber’s to………………………

a) cut my hair                              b) have cut my hair

c) had my hair cut                       d) have my hair cut

26- The ………of the Prisoner of Zenda was that crime does not pay.

a) summary                  b) brief                  c) moral                  d) introduction

27- I think I need to rest for a time. Ok. I………..to the beach with you.

a) going                 b) am going             c) will go              d) am going to go

28- Someone who travels daily to work from a place to another is a………….

a) customer         b) commuter         c) competitor              d) worker

29- The hard outside part of the tree is called the ………….

a) root             b) trunk                   c) park                         d) bark

30- There isn’t any tea in the cup. My brother…………it

a) must drink                                            b) must have drunk

c) should have drunk                             d) can’t have drunk

B Reading Comprehension

2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

The human tongue is about 10 centimeters long. It is covered with taste buds. These are tiny nerve endings which enables us to taste our food. Babies are born with taste buds all over their mouths. These gradually disappear as they grow older, leaving only those on the tongue . An adult has about 1,000 taste.

We can taste our food when saliva, a liquid produced by the mouth, dissolves chemicals in the food and washes them over the taste buds. There are four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salt, and bitter. All the taste buds can detect different tastes best. Sweet tastes, such as sugar, are best detected by the taste buds at the tip of the tongue. Salt is detected by those at the front sides of the tongue. The taste buds along the edges at the back of the tongue are good at detecting sour tastes, such as lemon, and those on the back of the tongue detect bitter tastes such as coffee. There are no taste buds in the center of the tongue. The tongue is also used in speaking. Sounds are made in the vocal cords in the throat. The combined action of the tongue, throat, mouth, and lips changes the sounds into words.


A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

1. Sour tastes are best detected by…………………………..

a)the buds at the front                        b) the buds at the back

c)vocal cords                                          d) the middle of the tongue

2. Saliva is a liquid produced by………………………………..

a) the mouth                 b) the tongue              c) the throat                d) the nose

3- Adults have taste buds……………..babies

a) the same as          b) fewer than            c) more than                 d) similar to

4- The buds over the babies’ mouths disappear…………

a) quickly          b)regularly                  c)slowly                     d)softly

5. The center of the tongue hasn’t……….. taste buds

a) a lot of                 b) some                 c) any                       d) no

6.” The tip of the tongue” means…………………………………

a) back                  b) middle                  c) end                      d) right

B- Answer the following questions:

7. Can we live without taste buds? Why?

8.Name the four taste types mentioned in the text and give examples of each.

9-How does saliva help us to taste food ?

10.What does the word” Those” refer to ?

The Novel

3 a Choose the correct answer:

1.Johann stepped back in surprise when he saw Rassendyll as……..

a) Rassendyll looked like Michael.              b) Rassendyll was good at using the gun

c) Rassendyll looked rave                           d) Rassendyll looked like the king

2. Antoinette de Mauban tells Rassendyll ................ .

a) Michael’s plan to become King            b) how to escape from the country house

c) Why she liked the summer house           d) how to escape from Ruritania

3. Which of these is not a reason that Rudolf Rassendyll refused Michael’s offer to leave Rurtania ?

a) He was rich and didn’t need money         

b) He was from Rassendyll’s family

c) He replaced the king for the good of Ruritania

d) He wanted to save the king

4.What did Sapt plan to do if the real king was dead?

a) would ask the Marshal to be the king.

b) He would ask Flavia to be the king.

c) He would ask Rassendyll to be the king.

d) He would ask Michael to be the king.

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1-How do you think the doctor saved the life of the king alive and dead.

2.”The Prisoner of Zenda” teaches us a lot of morals . Explain.

3. Michael’s greed for power led him to lose his life. How do you think that?

C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:

Omar and Ali are talking about a visit to the new administrative capital:


Ali :Yes, I heard that our school would go on a journey to the new administrative capital.


Ali :Certainly and I asked my father to join my classmates.

Omar : (3)………………………………………………………………………….?

Ali :It will have a great effect on our national economy.

Omar :(4) ……………………………………………………………………….?

Ali : It has a lot of areas for businesses to set up new projects.

Omar :O.K, I will reason the matter with my family first.

Ali : I hope you (5)……………………………………………………………

Omar : I completely agree with you. (6)……………………………………

5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a The role of schools is always very essential in any country.

b What you should do to be a good citizen.

6 A Translate into Arabic:

1.Tolerance means so much for all citizens and peoples for many reasons. Peaceful life is one of these.

2.The individual needs an atmosphere of warmth and inner security to be able to develop his given potentials.

B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

1- الحوار والنقد البناء يجب ان يكون طريقتنا لحل خلافتنا.

2- علينا جميعا ان نعمل بجد لزياده الانتاج وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي.

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  89

Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Most Egyptians now share a lot of ………….. for Liverpool.

  1. interest          b) enthusiasm           c) interested             d) enthusiastic

2- people have always protected and guarded what really ……….. to them.

a) concerns            b) regards                c) matters                        d) thinks

3- Parents will happily sacrifice their happiness …………….. that is necessary for the kids.

a) on condition               b) if                   c) but for                           d) unless

4- Footballers usually tear to each other so ………… that there may be serious injuries.

a) strong                 b) strongly                  c) strength                   d) strengthen

5- Pollution has caused a lot of damage to the environment especially the ozone ………….. .

a) semicircle                b) level                c) standard                 d) layer

6- Some relations break as women are never ………….. of their husbands’ efforts.

a) proud                 b) keen                  c) appreciative                 d) accurate

7- When I reach the station, I found two buses. However, …………….. of them was mine.

a) either                      b) each                        c) both                        d) neither

8- Due to man’s destruction of the planet earth, the ………… of nature is in real danger.

a) power                  b) balance                 c) force                       d ) energy

9- After long and hard work, he felt as if he was going to ……………… with hunger.

a) faint                b) die              c) spin                 d) fed up

10- We must be confident that our borders …………… by our great army.

a) were guarded                            b) are guarded       

c)has been guarded                         d) will be guarded

11- All stores must have cameras ………………. as a condition to renew the licence.

a) remove            b) install                c) be removed                        d) installed

12- She worked for many years as a sales ………………… for an established company.

a) representative           b) assistant             c) freelance                    d) pharmacist

13- A lot of scientists around the world are afraid that …………….. intelligence will control us.

a) artful                 b) art             c) artificial                   d) artistic

14- In Cairo International Film Festival, there were three obvious ………….. for the first prize.

a) applicants                       b) process              c) candidates                     d) presidents

15- In the end of the program, the interviewer asked his guest what ………………………….. before he died last year.

a) would the writer write                    b) the writer would write

c) had the writer written                    d) the writer had written

16- After a long and stressful year, secondary students intend to make …………. all they missed.

a) for             b) up              c) up for                   d) out

17- One of the aims of education is to ………….. the positive participation in developing society.

a) prove                   b) promote                    c) qualify                   d) learn

18- Never give ……….. in the middle of the way. You may be nearer than you thought.

a) away             b) out                c) off                   d) up

19- My stopped …………. newspaper. He now uses the internet to read news.

a) buying                   b) to buy                c) buy               d) bought

20- Please, turn down the music. I need my full ………… here right now.

a) destination                b) planet          c)concern                d) concentration

21- To be successful, you ……………. need some luck but you must have skills.

a) can             b) may                      c) can’t                     d) must

22- Reading, as well as education, can be the key to ……………. Our path in life

a) illuminate                b) eliminate             c) appropriate                  d) corporate

23- Both students and parents wish this school year ……………. very soon.

a) could end              b) had ended                c) would end              d) has ended

24- My son and his close friends are very …………… in football.

a) fond            b) keen                 c) careful                   d) absorbed

25- Tomorrow, during the second lesson, you …………… a summary of “ Hard Time”

a) will be read               b) will be reading           c ) are reading              d) read

26- ……………….. he made a mistake, he immediately apologised.

a) Having realising            b) Realised             c) After realised               d) realising

27- Teachers, ……………… skills on computer are limited, will meet a big challenge next year.

a) who                b) whose                         c) whom               d) that

28- People in the past ……………….. animals for long before farming.

a) hunting                       b) were hunting               c) hunted                    d) has hunted

29- Oh my dear! That is a lovely present but you ………………… such an expensive one.

a) didn’t have to buy                b) needn’t have bought

c) mustn’t buy                           d) shouldn’t buy

30- Sapt got Rassendyll ………………… the real king in the coronation

a) to replace              b) replace            c) replaced                      d) replacing

B Reading Comprehension

2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Mankind has always been affected by his environment, nature, and his surroundings. Plants and trees, of course, have had the most significant influence on man throughout his history on this planet.

The oldest living things on Earth are trees. Some of California's sequoias have for four thousand years looked down on the changes in the landscape and the comings and goings of humans. They sprouted from tiny seeds about the time the Egyptian pyramids were being built. Today these giant patriarchs seem as remote and inaccessible as the rocks and mountain cliffs on which they grow, like cathedral columns holding up the sky. It is hard to imagine them playing any part in the lives of mere humans or being in any way affected by the creatures that pass at their feet.

Lesser trees, however, have played an intimate role in the lives of people since they first appeared on Earth. Trees fed the fires that warmed humans: they provided shelter, food and medicine and even clothing. They also shaped people's spiritual horizons. Trees expressed the grandeur and mystery of life, as they moved through the cycle of seasons, from life to death and back to life again. Trees were the largest living things around humans and they knew that some trees had been standing on the same spot in their parent's and grandparents' time, and would continue to stand long after they were gone. No wonder these trees became symbols of strength, fruitfulness, and everlasting life.


A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) Trees grow to great heights.

(B) Trees have been important to people throughout history.

(C) Trees make humans seem superior

(D) Trees that grow in California are very old.

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way in which people have used trees?

(A) For furniture                 (B) For fuel   

       (C) For housing          (D) For nourishment

3. The phrase "giant patriarchs" means …………….

(A) tiny seeds                     (B) important leaders

(C) towering trees               (D) Egyptian pyramids

4. The underlined pronoun "they" refers to ………………….

(A) Trees                            (B) Grandeur and mystery

(C) Seasons                              (D) humans

5. The author implies that, compared with sequoias, other trees have

(A) been in existence longer

(B) adapted more readily to their environments

(C) been affected more by animals

(D) had a closer relationship with people

6. the oldest sequoias are about ……………… years old.

(A) 2000                 (B) 2500                 (C) 4000                    (D) 7000

B- Answer the following questions:

7. How do you think trees affect man’s life?

8. Why did trees become a symbol of strength?

9. Why do you think sequoias are distinctive?

10. Find in the passage a word with the same meaning as: - start growing.

The Novel

3 a Choose the correct answer:

1. Fritz objected to the visit of Rassendyll to Strelsau because …………….

a) he liked the king                     b) he looked like the king

c) he hated the Duke                     d) he is not Ruritanian

2. In the fight at the hunting lodge, …………….. of Michael’s men were killed.

a) one                  b) two                     c) three                            d) four

3. Fritz arranged a ball for the Princess so that ……………………….. .

a) Michael would think they are busy

b) Rassendyll would ask to Marry her

c) Rassendyll would tell her the plan

d) they could attack the castle

4. Rassendyll wasn’t interested in Rose’s offer to work in Ruritania as he ………………… .

a) was lazy                                   b) didn’t like Ruritania

c) had been the king                 d) liked paris more

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1. When stabbing Rassenyll in the shoulder, do you think Rupert intended to kill Rassendyll? Why?

2. Why do you think the Six Men were loyal to Duke Michael?

3. What is your opinion of Antointte de Mauban? Give reasons to your answer.

C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:

I brahim is making a complaint at a shop

Salesman: Can I help you, sir?

Ibrahim : Yes, please.1)...............................................................

Salesman: A complaint ? 2)...........................................................?

Ibrahim : About the TV set I bought last week.

Salesman: 3)..................................................................................?

Ibrahim : The screen is very dark.

Salesman: But I had tried the set before you took it, 4)................?

Ibrahim : I know you had. However, when you went home I discovered this fault.

Salesman: 5).................................................................................?

Ibrahim : Yes, I have the guarantee certificate. Here it is.6).................................?

Salesman: You can have it mended in two or three days.

5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a- Road accidents and how to reduce them

b- The reform of education is a must in Egypt.

6 A Translate into Arabic:

1. Pressures of life are the major causes of several serious diseases nowadays.

2. Voluntary and charity work contributes greatly to help the poor in society.

B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

1- إن اكتشافات الغار الجديدة ستجعل مصر مركزا للغاز الطبيعي في الشرق الأوسط والعالم

 2- يجب دراسة سلبيات النظام التعليمي الجديد والعمل على تلافيها في المستقبل من أجل أبنائنا.

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اجابة  1   مشاهدة  81

Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- A ............ is someone who produces books, newspapers and magazines.

a. lawyer

b. publisher

c. pioneer

d. driver

2-He.......... the film before he read the book.

a. 'd already seen

b. already seen

c. 've already seen

d.am already seeing

3- A/An .............. is an organisation of people with a particular purpose or interest.

a) culture

b) association

c) literature

d) science

4- Since he …….. famous in Egypt, people have translated his books into many languages.

a) becomes

b) was becoming

c) will become

d) became

5- I can't buy anything on the internet because the computer is ………….

a) offline

b) deadline

c) outline

d) online

6- At one o'clock tomorrow, I ………….. lunch with my friend.

a) will have

b) will be having

c) have

d) have had

7- When she was only 26, Lotfia El Nadi became the first woman in Egypt to have a pilot's ……………..

a) voyage

b) carer

c) licence

d) picnic

8- Lotfia El Nadi worked as a secretary at Almaza Airport to pay ………... her lessons.

a) for

b) to

c) over

d) of

9- Dr. Aisha Abd El-Rahman wrote many books and articles ……… she argued for a more positive role for women.

a) which

b) that

c) in which

d) in that

10-A …………….. is a group of lines that form part of a poem.

a) novel

b) tale

c) verse

d) review

11- Poems usually have three or more verses and in …………… verse, there are words that rhyme.

a) either

b) each of

c) all

d) every

12- It is very important that you get the work done on time. You must meet the ……….

a) headline

b) dead body

c) dead manager

d) deadline

13- The best thing about working freelance is that I can choose exactly which projects to ……………

a) take on

b) give In

c) take up

d) work with

14- They are …………… long questions that we don't have time to answer them all.

a) too

b) so

c) enough

d) such

15- A …………… is a small hole that liquid or gas gets out through.

a) lake

b) leak

c) spin

d) distance

16- All the equipment ……………. tomorrow.

a) are examining

b) will be examined

c) have been examined

d) has to examine

17- A/An ……………… is an expert In a subject whose job is to give advice about it.

a) archaeologist

b) director

c) consultant

d) physician

18- When father returned home, his dinner ………………

a) is being made

b) was being made

c) has been made

d) had made

19- We bought a new program for our computer and the ………… has been successful.

a) treatment

b) process

c) mast

d) installation

20- The PE teacher …………… us run around the playground four times.

a) caused

b) allowed

c) had

d) got

21- Our company has a very good reputation in the medical ……… .

a) procession

b) confession

c) depression

d) profession

22- She ………… me that it was an easy test.

a) said

b) told

c) explained

d) admitted

23- ……………… is someone who works very hard.

a) toll

b) toilet

c) toiler

d) toilsome

24- She asked him what …………… .

a) did he watch

b) had he watched

c) he is watching

d) he had been watching

25- I must ……………. up my mind very quickly. There's is no time.

a) take

b) do

c) make

d) get

26- ………. means having the skills and qualifications that will help you to find a job.

a) Employment

b) Employable

c) Employee

d) Employer

27- I regret ……………… to the cinema. It was not a very good film.

a) to go

b) going

c) to going

d) go

28- A/an ……………. is a talk to a group of people about a subject.

a) defeatist

b) lecture

c) planet

d) brain

29- The book is a great ………… . Everyone wants to read it!

a) correspondence

b) scorpion

c) success

d) celebrity

30- I wish I ………… sleeping better at that moment.

a) was

b) am

c) had

d) had been

B Reading Comprehension

2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

  1. Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812, he could hardly have imagined the situation we find ourselves today. Nearly everything we do in the modern world is helped, or even controlled, by computers, the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today, for the simple reason that they are far more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and can store huge amounts of information, and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time taken by a human mathematician. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but an advanced computer can.

In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. They can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, control machines. Mr. Woods, a bank manager, discusses some of the ways in which computers control our cash. 'I think most of our customers realize that in modern banking we make extensive use of computers. They see that the codes on their cheques are printed in a special way so that they can be read by a computer.

Nurse Penny Atkins works in a large, modern hospital. ''We use computers a lot in medicine nowadays. For instance, at the hospital where I work we make patients' appointments through a computer, which saves a lot of time. So does keeping patients' records on a computer. It also saves space because you can get so much more information onto a piece of computer tape than a piece of paper. Another advantage is that anyone who wants information on a patient can get it quickly, or even at the same time as someone else. You just dial the computer. In the past a doctor might take a patient's records away to his room and keep them for weeks.

A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

1- For what did Charles Babbage invent his machine?

a- for reserving appointments                 b- for doing sums

c- paying wages                                    d- for information on a patient

2- Why does a nurse use completer?

a-  To save space for patients.

b –For visiting a new hotel.

c- To make patients' appointments through a computer.

d –To see that the codes on their cheques.

3 -Why do we need the computer?

a- To saves effort.                                                b –For reserving hotels.

c- To make patients' appointments.                   d –All of them.

4 -What is the main idea of the passage?

a- Computers are used more and more carelessly in the world today.

b- Computers are used more and more extensively in the world today..

c- human beings and the Computers.

d- Hospitals and Computers

5- What does the underlined word efficient mean?

a- proficient                         b – cripple

c- dribble                                 d - efficient

6- What does the word alive mean?

a –dead               b-die                  c- living                                  d -dying

B- Answer the following questions:

7 -Find a suitable subject for this passage.

8- How did Charles Babbage help develop countries?

9 -What job do you think Charles Babbage did?

10- Why didn’t Charles Babbage expect our world to day?

The Novel

3 a Choose the correct answer:

1. Why was the king grateful to Rassendyll?

a)As Rassendyll killed Detchard b) As Rassendyll saved Flavia

c) As Rassendyll taught him how to be a king d) As Rassendyll came to the castle.

2. Why do you think the music would be played at the Tarlenheim house?

a) To receive the princess b)To enjoy themselves

c) To announce the princess's wedding d) To make people think they had a ball 3. What did the inn daughter ask Rassendyll to do ?

a) To marry her                          b) To forgive her mother

c) Not to hurt Johann                d) To reward Johann

4.What did Rassendyll use to defend himself at the summer house?

a) an iron table                                 b) a pistol

c) a weapon                                    d) a handgun

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1.Why do you think Rassendyll was a self centered man?

2.Why do you think Fritz was against Rassendyll's visit to Strelsau?

3. How do you think Rudolf covered his mistake?

C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue: Two friends are talking about taking a Vacation

JULIE: I just bought a ticket to New York City. I’m so excited to see the city!

SOPHIE: Good for you! Traveling is so much fun. …………………..1……………………………?

JULIE: Next week. I’m taking the red eye. It was cheaper.

SOPHIE: ……………………..2………….

JULIE: I hope so.

SOPHIE: ……………………..3………….?

JULIE: I’m going to visit my brother who lives there.


JULIE: I will stay for a week and then take the train down to Washington, D.C.

SOPHIE:New York City is a magical place. ……………….5………………...

JULIE: I hope I will have so much fun..

SOPHIE: ……………………….. ……………………………….6……………………………………….

5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a-Merits and demerits of modern technology in the new educational system

b-Do we have to have a model example in our life?

6 A Translate into Arabic:

1.The current economic open door policy is significant to attract the Arab and foreign capital to Egypt for investment.

2.Being bilingual or multilingual is essential currently to have a place in a world characterized by challenging.

B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

1- نأمل جميعا ان يحقق النظام الجديد للتعليم النتائج المرجوة حتى تتبوأ مصر مكانتها بين الدول المتقدمة.

2- فوجئ الجميع من فصل الشتاء هذا العام حيث كان هناك أمطار غزيرة على مدار الفصل.


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Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- …………… you lived on the moon, how would you feel?

a) In case of            b) Supposing               c) Provides                  d) Imagined

2- Here the wind is so strong that it can ……………… people off their feet.

a) lift             b) carve              c) harden                        d) amputate

3- The tourist ………………. me if I could speak English.

a) wanted to know             b) asked               c) wondered              d) inquired

4- Hearing about your kind father’s death …………………. my heart.

a) skipped                 b) choked                   c) threatened                     d) broke

5- We’re going to get a maid ………………… us at home.

a) help                   b) to help                c ) helped                       d) be helped

6- This massive radiator gives ………………… too much heat.

a) away               b) off                        c) down                           d) up

7- You ……………………… all these clothes with you. We won’t stay here for long.

a) mustn’t have brough t                       b) didn’t have to bring

c) couldn’t have brought                       d) needn’t have brought

8- This man is one of the most …………………… political figures. He always has a word in events.

a) respective               b) respect            c) respected                  d) resection

9- …………………. my two brothers like swimming.

a) Every of              b) Neither of              c) None                 d) Either

10- A/An ………………….. is someone who advises people on a particular subject.

a) conductor            b) director               c) consultant                    d) technician

11- He inquired what ……………………….. been doing since he last met me.

a) was I                      b) I was                   c) I had                     d) had I

12- Doctors have found a ……………….. between eating junk food and cancer.

a) clerk               b) link                c) mast                           d) sign

13- Drivers ………………… wear a seat belt while driving into the city.

a) need               b) might               c) must have                          d) have to

14- Most women use ………………. to curl their hair.

a) rollers                 b) cruisers                 c) removers                   d) encyclopedias

15- Maria said she had not visited her aunt ………………………… .

a) yesterday           b) the day after            c) the previous day          d) the following day

16- The employee’s ………………… was destroyed after he was accused of embezzlement.

a) dedication                  b) occurrence                c) donation                d) reputation

17- ……………… well, he would have gone out for a walk.

a) Were he                 b) Were he to feel                c) Had he                      d) Had he been

18- My grandfather left a big wealth for my father and my cousins in his ……………….. .

a) will                    b) death              c) monument                         d) mummy

19- My mum admired the car ………………………….. .

a) I bought                                        b) that I bought it

c) which I bought for                         d) I bought it

20- Three efficient employees will get ………………… next month.

a) prompted          b) tempted               c) promoted                d) attempted

21- He wishes ………………. the truth.

a) he knows            b) knew          c) to know               d) he will know

22- Please, ……………. me to buy some sugar for mum or I will forget.

a) remember                       b) recall                 c) recollect             d) remind

23- …………….. next summer, my brother will have finished the course.

a) In              b) The       c) At                           d) By

24- Do you still consider space ……………………. to be a waste of money?

a) exportation            b) explosion          c) explanation              d) exploration

25- The shelf is ………………………….. reach.

a) so high that can                              b) too high for me to

c) high enough for me                       d) such a high one that can’t

26- The public were all happy while …………………. the anniversary of the revolution.

a) celebrating            b) accelerating           c) representing             d ) spinning

27- ……………………………, it will expand.

a) If metal is heated                        b) If you heat metal

c) If this metal is heated                d) If this metal heated

28- My father is a civil rights defender. He belongs to an international rights ……………… .

a) accommodation           b) association          c) deprivation           d) cultivation

29- I ……………………………. at the garage once a month.

a) have checked my car                          b) have my car checked

c) have my car is checked                       d) check my car

30- Doing two things simultaneously is a source of …………… for me. I can’t do that.

a) escapism           b) confusion          c) illumination           d) commission

B Reading Comprehension

2. Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Have you ever thought about giving money to volunteers to reward them for what they have done? You might have thought of that once and of course the majority _if not all_ of them refused and even some of them got irritated because they think of volunteering in a different way.

What is a volunteer? What is the value of volunteering? Is volunteering about money? Should we measure it that way? Most people would say no. Volunteering is not about money. Volunteering is about giving, contributing, and helping other individuals and the community at large. It is working with others to make a meaningful contribution to a better community.

People volunteer for an endless variety of reasons. Many people want to gain experience, acquire new skills, meet new people, or expand their network of contacts as a way to get a new job or start a career. Others just want to give back to their community, to help a friend or promote a worthwhile activity. They do it because it makes them feel good. It gives them what is described by some volunteers as a "private smile."

This is the intrinsic value of volunteering. It is not about money. And volunteering should not be measured that way. To attempt to put a dollar figure on the value of volunteerism cheapens and undermines the basic concept. Volunteering is rich and diverse. It is thousands of volunteers in shelters for the homeless, giving aid to seniors, holding hands in a hospice or cleaning up a local stream bed, helping a neighbour shovel their walk, coming to the aid of a stranded motorist or helping an elderly person cross a busy street. These large and small acts, given freely, are what bind communities together. Volunteering is helping, not hiring; giving, not taking; contributing, not counting.


A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

1. One of the social benefits people get out of volunteering is …………………….. .

a)earning a big amount of money.                b) meeting new people.

c)getting work skills.                                  d) gaining lingual experience.

2. Volunteering gives volunteers …………………………. .

a) a sense of superiority                            b) a special kind of smile

c) thousands of dollars                            d) a sense of inferiority

3- Why is volunteering considered to be diverse?

a)It involves helping ill people.

b) It makes you help old people.

c)It provides shelter for the homeless.

d) It involves any act that gives help to others.

4- The value of volunteering is ………………………….. money can ever measure.

a) the same as        b) deeper than              c) sillier than                d) less worthy than

5. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “irritated”?

a) delighted                b) pleased              c) annoyed              d) thrilled

6. What does the underlined word “that” refer to?

a) volunteering to help others

b) paying volunteers for what they do

c) rewarding volunteers through thanking

d) getting money from volunteers

B- Answer the following questions:

7. How do you think people can appreciate what a volunteer does for them?

8. How does adding money affect the value of volunteering?

  1. Give a true definition of volunteering in one sentence.

10. How do you think volunteering should be measured?

3 a The Novel

Choose the correct answer:

1. For fear of his crime being discovered, Michael ……………………………………….. .

a)couldn’t become King without marrying the Princess.

b)couldn’t reveal Rassendyll’s real identity.

c)couldn’t host Rassendyll and his men at his house in Strelsau.

d)couldn’t enter the room at Flavia’s house without the King’s permission.

2. What made Sapt think that the Duke wouldn’t kill the King?

a)Because he knew that Michael was kind and wouldn’t kill him.

b)Because the King was strong and could defend himself.

c)Because Antoinette would prevent anyone from killing him.

d) Because Michael wouldn’t dare to kill the King as long as Rassendyll was still alive.

3. What task was Johann asked to do in the final plan to save the King?

  1. He would open the front door for Sapt and his men.
  2. He would guard the King in his prison.
  3. He would kill Detchard and free the King.
  4. He would knock down the pipe attached to the prison.

4. ………………….. did whatever Michael asked them to do.

a) The Six Men b) Sapt and Fritz

c) Antoinette and Flavia d) The Marshal and the Police Chief

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1. What do you think Rassendyll learned from his adventure in Ruritania?

2. Draw a brief comparison between the two brothers Johann and Max.

3. Why do you think Antoinette de Mauban plotted against Michael?


C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:

Between Tamer and Taher about an article Tamer has read on the internet.

Tamer: I have read an interesting article on the internet.

Taher : Really! …………………………………………………………………………….. (1)?

Tamer: Smart cars.

Taher : What are smart cars?

Tamer: ……………………………………………………………………………………... (2).

Taher : A computer! ………………………………………………………………………. (3)?

Tamer: It will help you solve any problems that face you while driving.

Taher : ……………………………………………………………………………………... (4).

Tamer: No, it isn’t so. It is real and is used in some countries currently.

Taher : Does it also guarantee the reduction of accidents?

Tamer: Yes, it does.

Taher : How?

Tamer: ……………………………………………………………………………………... (5).

Taher : What if the driver wants to speed up?

Tamer: ………………………... (6) because it will be impossible to drive faster than what that device

tells the engine.

Taher : That is amazing.

Tamer: I think so.

5. Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a) Egyptians should unite to help the country progress.

b) Reading literature takes people into different worlds.

6. A Translate into Arabic:

1. Every culture has its distinctive customs, traditions, values and principles that should be

preserved by all generations.

2. Massive engineering projects are carried out all over Egypt to help make life easier and more

comfortable for all citizens.

B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

 المعلم أحد أهم أركان العملية التعليمية لذا ينبغي أن نهتم بتطوير قدراته وتوفير كل الإمكانات اللازمة لتدريبه وتأهيله

 أصيب صديقى بمشكلة خطيرة في بصره بعد أن ظل ينظر الى الشمس بشكل مباشر لفترة طويلة لذا أنصح الجميع بعدم فعل ذلك

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  85

Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

  1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- We know that gravity is the ………… which keeps objects on earth .

a) force                b) power               c) energy                     d) energetic

2-…………..that he bought a villa last year .

a) Ali believes            b) It believes             c)It is believed              d) Ali is believed

3- The movies………I always went to last summer were marvelous .

  1. to which                b) in which            c) by which              d) no word

4- Frankly speaking , I have no …….. in football matches those days .

  1. interest            b) interested             c) interesting             d) interestingly

5-She had to help her husband …….. working in his shop .

  1. over                  b) into                 c) about                      d) by

6- Adel Imam was confused and angry after reading the ……… review of his new film .

  1. sting                b) poisoning                 c) stinging                   d) stung

7- My father always donates and helps charities and poor people , …… is kind of him .

  1. which             b)that              c)who                        d) whom

8- Germs are too tiny to be ….. without a microscope .

  1. invisible             b) vision                c) see                        d) visible

9- The glass window …. because the boy hit it with his ball .

  1. is broken              b) was broken             c) was breaking     d) had broken

10- Clarke was famous as a writer and also as a scientific ………..

  1. consult              b) consultant                c) consultancy              d) insult

11- There is no doubt that Ali's …… for the job is remarkable , really he is efficient .

a. suitability                b) suitable                 c) suits                      d) suit

12- The cut on my finger is ………… it needs urgent and strong medicine .

  1. pain               b) painless               c) painful                     d) painkiller

13- Companies give due care to ……. who pay to get a service or buy a product .

  1. clients              b)customary           c)clerk                      d) assistants

14- This is ……. famous a book that nearly everyone has read it .

  1. quite                     b) too              c) such                    d) so

15- I used to have the mechanic………. my car every year when I was abroad .

  1. to repair                b) repaired              c) repairing                      d) repair

16- My brother said that he had been to France and ….. the Eiffel Tower .

a ) see              b) saw             c) seen                d) has seen

17- He got the job as he spoke fluently …….. his interview

  1. through              b)though             c)throw              d) throughout

18- I used to help my teachers to give …… the books when I was at school .

  1. in             b) on             c) away                    d) out

19- The girl …. to do the Maths exercises again because she got them all correct.

  1. had           b) doesn't have              c) didn't have           d) will have

20- Trees …. In rainforests can reach a height more than 30 metres .

  1. grows               b) grown               c) are grown                      d) grew

21-My friend asked me if my parents ………..… I was with them .

  1. knew               b) have known               c) know                    d) are knowing

22- To be employable , you have to keep up with changes taking …….... in modern life .

  1. place                   b) part                   c) turn                    d) a part

23- Jack is a secretive person , he doesn't want any one …………. his plans .

  1. to know                  b)knows              c)knowing                    d) knew

24- My PE teacher ………….. to do exercises regularly to avoid obesity .

  1. recommended                 b)advised             c)said             d) advised me

25- My brother is a football ……….. , he never misses a match on TV .

  1. enthusiast          b) enthusiastic        c) enthusiasm          d) enthusiastically

26- The question asked by Ali made my day they were ……………..

  1. confusing                b) confused                 c) amazed                 d) amazing

27- It is known that two …………... make a circle .

  1. squares              b) semicircles              c ) triangles                    d) rings

28- I ………….. if I don't get a pay rise .

a- am resigning                                    b) will resign         

 c) am going resign                        d) will be resigning

29- I used to read science fiction stories , but I ………….... it now .

a) am used to read             b) read            c) never read               d) am used to reading

30- Wow , have you done your work ……………….?

  1. yet                 b) ever               c) already                   d) never

B Reading Comprehension

2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

One of the most popular literary figures in American literature is a woman who spent almost half of her long life in China, a country on a continent thousands of miles from the United States. In her lifetime she earned this country's most highly acclaimed literary award: the Pulitzer Prize, and also the most prestigious form of literary recognition in the world, the Nobel Prize for Literature. Pearl S. Buck was almost a household word throughout much of her lifetime because of her prolific literary output, which consisted of some eighty - five published works, including several dozen novels, six collections of short stories, fourteen books for children, and more than a dozen works of nonfiction. When she was eighty years old, some twenty - five volumes were awaiting publication. Many of those books were set in China, the land in which she spent so much of her life. Her books and her life served as a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West. As the product of those two cultures she became as the described herself, "mentally bifocal." Her unique background made her into an unusually interesting and versatile human being. As we examine the life of Pearl Buck, we cannot help but be aware that we are in fact meeting three separate people: a wife and mother, an internationally famous writer and a humanitarian and philanthropist. One cannot really get to know Pearl Buck without learning about each of the three. Though honored in her lifetime with the William Dean Howell Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in addition to the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes. Pearl Buck as a total human being, not only a famous author. is a captivating subject of study.

A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

1. What is the author's main purpose in the passage?

(A) To offer a criticism of the works of Pearl Buck.

(B) To illustrate Pearl Buck's views on Chinese literature

(C) To indicate the background and diverse interests of Pearl Buck

(D) To discuss Pearl Buck's influence on the cultures of the East and the West

2. According to the passage, Pearl Buck is known as a writer of all of the following EXCEPT

(A) novels           (B) children's books              (C) poetry                 (D) short stories

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as an award received by Pearl Buck?

(A) The Nobel Prize                                        (B) The Newberry Medal

(C) The William Dean Howell medal               (D) The Pulitzer prize

4. According to the passage, Pearl Buck was an unusual figure in American literature in that she

(A) wrote extensively about a very different culture

(B) published half of her books abroad

(C) won more awards than any other woman of her time

(D) achieved her first success very late in life

5. According to the passage, Pearl Buck described herself as "mentally bifocal" to suggest that she was

(A) capable of resolving the differences between two distinct linguistic systems

(B) keenly aware of how the past could influence the future

(C) capable of producing literary works of interest to both adults and children

(D) equally familiar with two different cultural environments

6. The author's attitude toward Pearl Buck could best be described as

(A) indifferent           (B) admiring           (C) sympathetic                   (D) tolerant

B- Answer the following questions:

7) Why is the Pulitzer Prize so important ?


8) What was her role in the relation between the west and the east? …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

9) Why do you think she called herself as bifocal? …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

10) Why do you think that pearl Buck is a captivating subject to study ?


The Novel

3 a Choose the correct answer:

1- Flavia pretended that ................. so that she wouldn’t accept Michael’s invitation to go to Zenda.

a) she was going abroad                         b) had to study for her exams

c) she was ill                                             d) she was going on a trip

2- Featherly thought that the Duke of Strelsau wouldn't enjoy the coronation of his half brother because................. .

a) Michael wanted to marry De Mauban      b) Michael wished he were the king.

c) Michael prepared for the coronation          d) His brother Rudolf was older than him

3-If the real King is dead, the Marshal must help Princess Flavia to..................

a) prepare for the wedding                         b) move to a new house

c) become the Queen of Ruritania                d) hide in a safe place

4- Michael wanted his men to .................. if the castle was attacked .

a) kill the King and hide the body                   b) let the King escape

c) say that he rescued the King                            d) kill Rassendyll

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1- Why do you think it is useless to get a doctor to help the poisoned king ?


2- What do you think Fritz meant by saying " It is a stalemate " ?


3- What lesson or moral did you get from the story ?



C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:

Ali and Samy are talking about their ambitions

Ali : What would you like to be when you finish school ?

Samy : (1)…………………………………………. . This is my plan .

Ali : (2)……………………………………………….…………. ?

Samy : Because I like the sea and want to visit different countries (3)………..…?

Ali : I want to become a tour guide . I like (4)………………………………..………..

Samy : You 're right . It is wonderful to recognize various cultures , but (5)………

Ali : I know . I'll apply for courses to learn different languages

Samy : Wish you the best of luck .

Ali : :(6)……………………………………………………………………………….

5 Write an email of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a A complaint to an electronic company to complain about a faulty device .

b An application to a university abroad to get a free scholarship to study there.


6 A Translate into Arabic:

1- A teacher is like the layers of the earth: whatever level you reach, you can dig deeper to find richer layers .



2- The road was too crowded for trucks to pass on the ring road .



B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:


حدد هدفك بدقة واختر الوسائل المساعده ثم اعمل بجد لتحقق طموحك .




2- الهدف من المرافق العامة هو خدمتك وتسهيل حياتك فحافظ عليها لتدوم .






منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  2   مشاهدة  102

Model Test

A Vocabulary & Structure

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- No-one even noticed when I got home. They -------- the big game on TV and obviously the dog had been barking for over an hour. I was furious.

a) watched                                   b) have been watching

c) had been watching                            d) were watching

2- When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I -------- it for over ten years.

a) had had                         b) had

c) was having                    d) have been having

3- I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they had been working for over two hours on the new project and I ----------- really guilty.

a) feel               b) had felt                   c) am feeling                           d) felt

4- We ---------- by an art expert and he said it was worth over a million dollars.

a) had to value the statue                            b) got to value the statue

c) had the statue valued                                d) were valuing the statue

5- You must drive slower in built up areas. The quicker you drive in the city, the -------- it is that you will have an accident.

  a) more probably                                b) more probable       

   c) less probable                      d) less probably

6- The old lady asked me where ----------.

a) is the bank                                   b) was the bank

c) the bank is being                            d) the bank was

7- Working till 10 pm isn’t a problem. I ----------- late. I did it in my last job, too

a) am used to finishing                                 b) used to finish

c) used to be finishing                             d) have used to finish

8- Much --------- your father left in his will is going to your mother

a) when                     b) what               c) whose                     d) that

9- Before -------, glass bottles are thoroughly washed and the labels are removed

a) recycling           b) it recycles             c) being recycled                d) recycled

10- A horse uses a number of ---------- sounds to communicate verbally

a) objective              b) relative           c) detective                   d) distinctive

11- It is interesting to note that certain problems which have been solved by technology reappear as the technology continues to ---------.

a) evolve               b) replace                 c) launch                    d) solve

12- After being made ---------- from his last job, he finally found work at a glass factory

a) dependent             b) redundant               c) independent                d) insistent

13- During the recession, James lost his job even though he was a/an ---------- worker

a) uncooperative               b) impatient              c) defective                d) conscientious

14- The school has agreed to ---------- metal detectors at the entrance so that they can be used to sense weapons being brought into the building

a) install                 b) remove              c) buy                       d) sell

15- The teacher tried to ---------- the fighting students but couldn’t get the two boys apart.

a) develop                 b) enrol           c) retrain                    d) separate

16- Bank customers can ---------- their accounts through the electronic system.

a) destroy               b) steal              c) access                           d) deal

17- To get the promotion, John worked extremely hard to ---------- that he was the best candidate.

a) deny                    b) admit                     c) encourage                        d) prove

18- Nationwide cuts meant that all lower level employees would receive ---------- in their pay.

a) award               b) reduction                c) reward                            d) money

19- Economists claim that the two countries are ----- since they have similar climates and costs of living.

a) employable            b) comparable              c) recyclable               d) available

20- Because our --------resigned, a new basketball trainer will need to be hired to guide the athletes.

a) minister             b) accountant       c) coach                 d) chemist

21- She wanted to --------- a few hours of work and be home before noon.

a) do           b) bring                c) make                        d) catch

22- ---------- when you phoned them?

a) Did they sleep                                        b) Were they sleeping

c) Have they been sleeping                        d) Had they been sleeping

23- I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I ---------- for over two hours.

a) had been writing             b) have been writing       

   c) was writing                    d) have written

24- She --------- an award for her bravery during the fire.

a) gave                  b) is giving             c) has been given                       d) was given

25- I tried ------- up chocolate, but it was too hard. I always ate some when my friends offered it to me.

a) give                             b) given                   c) giving                          d) to give

26- I'll never forget -------- that rare old coin in the garden. I was only 12 then.

a) found                b) to find               c) finding                        d) founded

27- Suppose your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, ----------?

a) what do you do                                b) what would you have done

c) what would you do                        d) what did you do

28- This book is so boring. I wish I -------- reading it.

a) don’t start              b) hadn’t started              c) didn’t start         d) wouldn’t start

29- Central Africa is suffering one of the worst ------- of the century. There is almost no rain there.

a) droughts              b) draughts                c) donuts                      d) drafts

30- If it -------- for his assistance, I would have lost my job.

a) weren’t               b) wasn’t                    c) hadn’t been                       d) hasn’t been

B Reading Comprehension

2. Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

What is happening to our weather?

One weekend in May 2010, Nashville in the USA was expecting a few centimetres of rain. Two days later, 33 centimetres had fallen and eleven people had died in the resulting floods. There’s been a change in the weather. Extreme events like the Nashville flood – described by officials as a once-in-a-millennium occurrence – are more frequent than before. Also in 2010, 28 centimetres of rain fell on Rio de Janeiro in 24 hours, causing mud slides that buried hundreds of people. And record rains in Pakistan led to flooding that affected more than 20 million people. The following year, floods in Thailand left factories near Bangkok under water, creating a worldwide shortage of computer hard drives. Meanwhile, severe droughts have affected Australia, Russia and East Africa. Deadly heat waves have hit Europe, leaving 35,000 people dead in 2003. Financial losses from such events jumped 25 percent to an estimated $150 billion worldwide in 2011.
What’s going on? Are these extreme events signals of a dangerous, human-made change in the Earth’s climate? Or are we just going through a natural run of bad luck? The short answer is: probably both. On the one hand, the most important influences on weather events are natural cycles in the climate. Two of the most famous weather cycles, El Niño and La Niña, originate in the Pacific Ocean and can affect weather patterns worldwide. But something else is happening too: the Earth is steadily getting warmer, with significantly more moisture in the atmosphere. The long-term accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is trapping heat and warming up the land, oceans and atmosphere. As the oceans warm up, they produce more water vapour and this, in turn, feeds big storms, such as hurricanes and typhoons.

And yet, there are ways of dealing with the effects of such extreme events. After 2003, French cities set up air-conditioned shelters for use in heat waves. In the 2006 heat wave, the death rate was two-thirds lower. ‘We know that warming of the Earth’s surface is putting more moisture into the atmosphere. We’ve measured it. The satellites see it,’ says climatologist Jay Gulledge. Another scientist, Michael Oppenheimer, agrees. We need to face up to that reality, he says, and do the things we know can save lives and money.

A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:

1- The article says that extreme weather events ---------

  1. have an influence on the climate.            b- kill more people than before.
  2. are part of a long-term change.                d-have no influence at all


2- According to the article, -------.

a- don’t know what causes extreme weather.

b- there’s more than one factor influencing our weather.

c-it’s not possible for humans to influence the weather.

d-extreme weather happens in just one place

3- Why was the rain in Nashville considered to be an extreme event?

  1. There was very high rainfall over many days.

b- The amount of rain was forecast in advance.

  1. There was very high rainfall in a very short time.

d-there was little rainfall over a few days


4- The rainfall in Nashville in 2010 ----------

  1. last happened a thousand years ago.

b- happens every one hundred years.

  1. caused very rare flooding.

d-affected the production of computer hard drives


5- Why did fewer people die in France in the 2006 heat wave?

a- were better facilities provided.

b-Fewer people were in city centres at the time.

c- wasn’t as severe as in 2003.

d-Many people were taken to hospitals immediately


6- According to Michael Oppenheimer ---

a- there’s no way to stop extreme weather.

b- we can be better prepared for the effects of climate change.

c- we need to spend more money so that fewer people die

d-we can actually do very little to reduce the effect of extreme weather


B- Answer the following questions:

7-What caused deaths in Rio de Janeiro?

8-Where are computer hard drives mostly produced?

9-What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

10-Find words in the passage which mean:

a) to come from or begin in a particular place or situation: ----------

b) quantity of something that has gradually gathered: -----------

The Novel

3 a Choose the correct answer:

1-Which of the following is NOT true about Rudolf Elphberg?

a) He isn’t a fighting man b) Not many people know what he looks like

c) He prefers eating to action d) He doesn’t want to be a King


2-What did Sapt and Rassendyll need in order to leave Strelsau?

a) A permit from Rudolf Elphberg b) A permit from Michael Elphberg

c) A permit from the guard at the city gate d) A permit from Princess Flavia


3-Which of the following is NOT true about Duke Michael?

a) He was his father’s favourite son b) He wanted his brother to become King

c) His let the King use his hunting lodge d) He is the King’s half brother

4-The Duke can’t kill the real King because --------.

a) He loves his half-brother b) The real King is already dead

c) Rassendyll will stay King d) He doesn’t know where the King is

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:

1- Johann knew too much about Duke Michael. What kind of trouble do you think Johann would be in if Michael’s plan succeeded?

2- How do you think Rassendyll was different from the real King with regard to making decisions?

3-Why do you think Sapt cared so much about Rassendyll’s life?

C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:

Receptionist : Welcome to our hotel. (1)_____________________________?

Client : I’d like to book a room, please. Do you have any vacancies?

Receptionist : Yes, sir. (2)________________________________________?

Client : Single, please.

Receptionist : (3)_______________________________________________?

Client : Three nights.

Receptionist : Would you rather have a room with a view of the Nile or the Cairo Tower?

Client : (4)________________________________, whichever one is cheaper.

Receptionist : Sure. It’s going to be $55 per night. (5)___________________?

Client : By credit card.

Receptionist : (6)________________________________________________?

Client : Master card.

5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a Why we need to improve the system of education in Egypt

b How you see yourself and how others see you

6 A Translate into Arabic:

1. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of kidney failure

2. Disorders of the immune system can result in many kinds of diseases such as cancer


B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

1- استمرار الإنسان في قطع الغابات المطيرة ربما تكون له نتائج كارثية في المستقبل القريب.

2- تبذل منظمة الصحة العالمية جهوداً هائلة لتحسين الرعاية الصحية في الدول النامية.