منذ 6 سنوات
اجابة 1
5- Put (√) or (X):
1-There is a small dog in Ann’s bag. ( )
2-There is an orange, a watch and a lamp in Ann’s bag. ( )
3-The children are making a lot of noise. ( )
4-The dog’s name is Fido. ( )
5- Granny Fixit is watching from the window. ( )
6-The yellow string picks up all the things. ( )
7-Ann is at home. ( )
8-The yellow string picks up a small dog. ( )
9-There is a small dog in Ann’s bag. ( )
10-There is an orange, a watch and a lamp in Ann’s bag. ( )
11-The dog’s name is Fido. ( )
12- Fido jumps into the teacher’s arms. ( )
13-The small dog is behind Ann’s back. ( )