بالعلم ترتقى الامم


منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  10

* / Choose the correct answers:

  1. The mouse is an (input-output) unit.

  2. We use the (mouse-keyboard) for typing.

  3. The microphone is an (input-output) unit.

  4. We use the (mouse-scanner) to move point and select.

  5. We use (joystick – monitor) to play games.

  6. We use the (printer-speakers) to listen to music.

  7. We use (printer-mouse) to print photos.

  8. We use (scanner-printer) to input pictures.

  9. We use the (printer-monitor) to see what we do on the computer.

  10. The main part of the computer is (system unit-microphone)

  11. The speakers are (input-output) unit.

  12. We use the microphone to (hear-insert) sound.

  13. We use the printer to (insert-print) picture.

منذ 5 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  8

 Put ( ) or ( X ):-

  1. We use the speakers to listen to music and sounds.   (     )

  2. The monitor is an output unit.  (      )

  3. The scanner is an output unit.  (     )

  4. . We use the printer to print photos.  (    )

  5. We use the mouse to see what we do on the computer.  (     )

  6. All parts of the computer must be connected to the system  (     )

  7. The system unit must be connected to electricity.  (    )

  8. We use output units to insert data.   (     )

  9. We use the mouse to get information.   (     )

  10. We use the speakers to insert data.  (    )

  11. We use the monitor to get information.  (     )

  12. . We use the keyboard to get information.   (     )

  13. We use the printer to get information.   (    )