9) A- Translate into Arabic:
Growing older is a natural process that we cannot avoid. However,
some people keep their looks for a longer period than others. Their secret
lies in enjoying life's pleasures and having healthy habits.
B- Translate into English:
9) A. Translate into Arabic: (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
- ان التقدم في العمر هو عمليه طبيعية لا نستطيع تجنبها . ومع ذلك فالبعض يحافظ على
هيئته لفترة اطول من الاخرين . والسر يكمن في الاستمتاع بمباهج الحياة واتباع
عادات صحية
Translate into English: (2 × 1 = 2 marks)
1. Mountaineers / Mountain climbers face a lot of difficulties which may
lead to death.
2. Don’t you think that studying peoples’ cultures help us to understand
them we ll.
(Any right and related translation is accepted)