تألمت فتعلمت فتغيرت


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Verb + ( gerund ) v+ing


  • He said that he didn't steal the money.                                                   ** He denied stealing the money.
  • He practises playing the piano.                                                               ** Would you mind opening the window?

§ Do you recommend watching the film?                                                       ** I can't risk climbing high mountains.

Ing يأتي بعدها Idioms مصطلحات

§ I can't standلا أتحمل § I can't helpلا أستطيع منع نفسي من

§ Do you mind هل تمانع ? § Do you fancyهل تتخيل ?

§ I feel likeأريد § It's no use = It's no good لا فائدة

§ It's worthيستحق §It isn't worthلا يستحق

§I can't denyلا أستطيع أن أنكر § I'm busy .أنا مشغول

  • This book is worth keeping .                                                       § I can't stand talking to liars
  • I can't help laughing during the prayer.                                   § It is no use crying when you fail
  • I'm busy reading my favourite paper.                                       § I feel like drinking a can of pepsi



دون فرق في المعنيingأو infأفعال تأخذ المصدر



§begin = startيبدأ / continueيستمر / intendينوي + ( to +المصدر أو (v+ing)



(ing ) وجود فرق في المعني بين المصدر والـ




Love / hate / like / dislike / prefer/can't bear

إذا كانت تعبر عن حدث دائم  ( v + ing ) يأتي بعد أفعال العاطفة

  • I love drinking tea in the afternoons.
  • He prefers swimming./ She hates dancing.
  • I love swimming                                                              § We like eating fruit and vegetables

( would ) إذا كانت تعبر عن حدث مؤقت أو إذا سبقت بـــ ( to + المصدر ) وتأخذ الأفعال السابقة

§I hate to disturb you but can I use your telephone?

§What would you like to drink

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Language notes


          **favour معروف-جميل  #               #   favourite مفضل #  favouredموهوب # Favourableمفرح–

* Can you do me a favour?                                          *Football is my favourite sport?

  • He is favoured at singing.                           *She heard favourable news, she must be happy.

§ make + مفعول + مصدر                                               **  He made me write the letter again.

put away يضع الشيء في مكانة # put off يؤجل # put outيطفيء

§ Put your books away.

§ Don't put off today's work until tomorrow Firemen put out a huge fire in our street.

§every dayكل يوم §               everyday يومي / everyday newspaperجريدة يومية



Language notes


Unit 6




§ biography سيرة ذاتية يكتبه شخص اخر / He wrote her biography

§ autobiography سيرة ذاتية يكتبها صاحبها ? Sadat wrote his autobiography

§ Keep the gravel walk ( stay on the path through the garden

§currant row ( a line of plants that have small fruit )

§ row صف      They are sitting side to side in a row.

# queue        طابور                    People are waiting in a queue to book the tickets.

see مفعول + + ) او مصدر ing)  * I saw him dig the canal.   * I saw her watching TV.

  I wish to speak to him.   He wishes to be interviewed.

§ barrow    = something with one wheel that gardeners use to carry things from the garden

§result in= lead to يؤدي الى §                   result from ينتج من او عن §          result ofنتيجة لـ

@Smoking results in/leads to cancer. §                    Cancer results from smoking.

§farther أبعد .                                     furtherأبعد – إضافي               in a year's time § in 3 years' time

§blame شخص   for شيء (يلوم على)                            § blame شيء on شخص

§They blamed Ali for the theft. §They blamed the theft on Ali.

   predict = make prediction يتنبأ

  • He predicted better changes.                          = He made prediction about better changes.

      §The car needs to be mended .                      = The car needs mending.

      suggest + V + ing                § Our teacher suggests vising the citadel

§ suggest that + فاعل + should + مصدر

§ The agricultural engineer suggested we should prune our trees.

§ Roadطريق مبني بين بلدين  §                               * routeطريق أو مسار في البر والبحر والجو

§Road accidents are dangerous §                             * The plane changed its route suddenly


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A novel

A long story

A poem

Is a piece of writing often arranged in lines that rhyme


Is a form of writing

A poet

Is someone who writes poems


Dried grass that people use to feed animals


Small pieces of land for growing things on


Break up and move earth with your hands or a machine


Small stones


Expressions and prepositions

Away behind

بعيداً خلف

Currant row

صف من اشجار العنب

Best known for

مشهور بـ

Adventure story

قصة مغامرة

Pacific Ocean

المحيط الهادي

Bare feet

حافي القدمين

Have rhythm

ذو إيقاع

Put something away

يضع شيء ما في مكانه

Popular with

محبوب لدي

Anything else

أي شيء اخر

Precious treasure

كنز نفيس



Help with

يساعد في

Bare and brown

غير مورقة

Lay it down

يضع جانباً

Summer goes

ينتهي الصيف


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اجابة  1   مشاهدة  21



Future tenses أزمنة المستقبل


Unit 6




2 – حدث سيحدث بناء على دليل أو واقع حالي.

♣The chair is broken. You are going to fall .

♣ The sky is dark and cloudy. I think it is going to rain.

♣ Watch out .You are going to break the vase .

♣ I listened to the weather forecast. It’s going to rain.

Present reality             جمل تعبر عن حقيقة في المضارع

♣ He is running fast . He is going to win the race .

♣ He is driving too fast . He is going to make an accident .

♣ The other team 's players are very big. It is going to be a difficult match

3- ( The Present Continuous Tense زمن المضارع المستمر )

  • نستخدم المضارع المستمر am- is – are + v+ ing )) للتعبير عن فعل في المستقبل تم الترتيب له )

♣ I can’t meet you tomorrow. I’m seeing the dentist.

  • I am leaving the office at 11. ( I have permission )

♣ We have arranged everything. We are giving a party tomorrow.

♣ I’ve bought our tickets . We are watching the match on the stadium next Friday.

♣I’ve arranged everything to give a party tomorrow. ♣ I’m giving a party tomorrow.

♣ We are playing football tomorrow. Everything is arranged .

4-(The Present Simple Tense زمن المضارع البسيط)

1- نستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن حدث مستقبلي طبقاً لجدول زمني Timetable

( trains / planes / rockets / school / cinema / theatre ) هذه الاماكن والمواصلات تسير طبقاً لجدول مواعيد

♣ The train leaves at 6 o'clock.                       / ♣ The final exams take place in next June.

♣When does the film start ?                               ♣It starts at 7.00 p.m tonight .

♣Our English lesson starts at 8.00 .

♣ When does Ramadan start ? :                                                    Calendar 2 – يستخدم لتعبير عن التقويم

ويستخدم بعد الروابط الزمنية في المستقبل -3

♣ After I finish university, I will look for a job. ♣ I won’t play tennis until I do my homework.

♣ As soon as he travels abroad , he will send me a visa.

4-(The Future continuous زمن المستقبل المستمر )

يتكون زمن المستقبل المستمر من + ing v + will be

♣I will be playing football at this time tomorrow .

♣We will be watching TV from 7.30 to 9.30 tomorrow .

-(The Future perfect زمن المستقبل التام )

يتكون زمن المستقبل التام من + pp will have

يستخدم مع ( in----- time( فترة زمنية + ( by

♣We will have graduated by next august ♣ I will have furnished my flat in three weeks' time

♣She will have decorated the flat by Friday . ♣By next month , I will have written a new book.