Knowledge is power ,

sharing knowledge is powerful

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Model Test
A Vocabulary & Structure


1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I am broke. I………………. have been more careful about money.
a) must                     b) may                      c) might               d) should
2- The indifferent aren’t very good at ………………. their children.
a) regretting          b) disciplining              c) giving              d) taking
3- Before ……………….,the equipment should be plugged.
a) using                   b) being used               c) used                d) had used
4- If he had broken bones , he ………………. to see a doctor.
a) would need                         b) would have needed

c) will need                                d) may need
5- I am sure he is stingy. He ………………. hospitable.
a) can't be                b) might be                c) may be                        d) must be
6- He is a cricket ………………. .
a) enthusiastic                                  b) enthusiast 

c) enthusiasm                                   d) enthusiastically
7- ………………. cars aren’t always bad.
a) Used               b) Using              c) To use                  d) Use
8- I ................ a bath, so I didn't hear the doorbell.
a) has had                       b) had                 c) was having                      d) had had
9- ………………. watered . plants grow well.
a) When                     b) After                    c) As soon as                     d) Having
10- This is the city………………. witnessed the summit.
a) who                    b) which                        c) where                           d) in which
11- He started life ………………. after returning to Paris.
a) new                   b) anew                          c) newer                             d) newest
12- I have always liked ………………. that way.
a) treating             b) to treat                  c) to be treated                   d) be treated
13- ………………. in a hurry , the letter was unreadable.
a) Had written                                      b) Having written

c) Having been written                        d) Had written
14- ………………. of the two boys is honest . I doubt both of them.
a) Neither               b) Either               c) Both                    d) All
15- He lost the pen………………. him last night.
a) which lent                     b) when I lent                 c) who lent                  d) I lent
16- She………………. me how hard her life was.
a) said                               b) asked                         c) told                       d) enquired
17- He ………………. if it remained cloudy, we would stay home.
a) wondered                  b) said                           c) asked                           d) told
18- The teacher warned us against{ - - - }things which aren’t ours.
a) to steal                          b) stealing                 c) not to steal                  d) not stealing
19- He ………………. us to cut our hair.
a) got                        b) had                 c) made                         d) caused
20- She hopes………………. the prize for being the best student.
a) given                   b) to give                c) to be given                   d) to giving
21- They don’t know the reason ………………. he left early.
a) of                       b) for                           c) why                              d) by
22- It is a nice city but the ………………. is the high cost of living.
a) upside                 b) downside                  c) pros                        d) benefit
23- July 2019 is the 50th anniversary of man's first………………. on the moon .
a) walked                    b) walking                  c) to walk                     d) on walking
24- He bought a flat………………. over the Nile.
a) which look                 b) which was looked                c ) which looked           d) looking
25- She ………………. my mind by telling me that my kids are safe.
a) ceased                  b) eased                 c) caused                    d) praised
26- I ………………. round to see who was making noise.
a) spun                      b) spoon              c) spear                     d) spray
27- Criminals are sometimes the ………………. of bad homes.
a) product              b) producer                c) productive                      d) productivity
28- The bones were ………………. by the sun .
a) bleached               b) pruned                  c) brushed                                    d) preached
29- Do you believe in the ………………. of fairies.
a) substance              b) instance                c) resistance                                    d) existence
30- He is so much ……………….. He always wants to get more than his needs.
a) ambitious                      b) greedy                c) impressive                     d) angry

B Reading Comprehension:

2 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that people are feeding the birds, which makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insects, not high-fat junk food they are eating in the city centre. The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city centre and into parks and open spaces.
Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds - known as 'robops' - will sit on the roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. They hope that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two

A- Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:
1. Robotic birds were brought into the city centre to …………
a) feed the birds                                   b) abate the effects of pigeons
c) amuse passengers                           d) intimidate the pigeons
2. The underlined word would is close in meaning to
a) will               b) hope                c) intend                      d) used to
3- The word flap in the passage is close in meaning to
a) run               b) fly                   c) flit                                   d) land
4- People giving foods to pigeons are blamed for
a) wasting foods                                                     b) tuckering them

c) congesting streets with them                                d)
5. The foods people are giving to pigeons are
a) seedy                b) leafy                   c) greasy                             d) veery
6. Liverpool city council want to clear the city of pigeons by forcing them to
a) starve              b) emancipate              c) move away into open spaces           d) thirst

B- Answer the following questions:
7. Suggest a suitable title for the passage?
8. Were you the Liverpool Council , how can you find a way out for such a dilemma?
9. In two years time ,what will the city be ?
10. In your opinion why did they make the robops similar to peregrine falcon?

The Novel

b- Choose the correct answer:
1. If the real king was killed then
a) Michael would marry Antionitte                  b) Rassendyll would remain the king
c) Flavia would elope                                         d) Michael would be the king

2. Sapt ……..agreed to let Rassendyll go to the summer house
a) grudgingly              b) pothastely      c) wittingly           d) intelligently

3. Johan was ……. To tell Rassendyll some secets
a) sad                       b) happy                  c) weak                  d) furious
4. It was planned that the king`s body when killed to be kept
a) In the summer house                       b) in the pipe           

c) in the island                                        d) in the moat

b Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:
1. Show that the real king was so much gluttonous ?
2. Suggest another ending of the novel.
3. Coincidence has a great role in this novel, explain .

C Writing

4 Finish the following dialogue:
Mr Ahmed is giving a hand to Mr Peter who is visiting Egypt for the first time
Mr Peter : ………(1)……………………?
Mr Ahmed : Sure, what do you want, sir?
Mr Peter :…………(2)}………………….?
Mr Ahmed : Fantastic places are so many in Egypt. ………………?
Mr Peter : Yes, I want you to recommend me a place to start with.
Mr Ahmed : …………(3)…………………………………..
Mr Peter : The Pyramids? That is a nice suggestion,…(4)………..?
Mr Ahmede : Then………………(5)………………
Mr Peter : Aswan, isn’t it too hot?
Mr Ahmed : Not so much and it is awesome.
Mr Peter :……………………(6)……………………………….?
Mr Ahmed : You can go there by plane
Mr Peter : Thanks a lot
Mr Ahmed : Most welcome and I wish you a nice stay in Egypt.

5 Write a paragraph of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120 words) on ONE (1) of the following:

a - Why is education the right way to prosperity and development?
b - Egyptians scientists who have a pioneering role in foreign countries.

6 A Translate into Arabic:

1. Alexander the Great was a king whose victories filled the world as he was undefeated in any battles. His military superiority was unprecedented and may not be repeated.
2. The way Mohammed Salah wins the utmost admiration and the unrivalled respect is uniquely seen and super dazzling to anyone who happens to enjoy a match of the awesome Pharaoh

B Translate ONE (1) sentence only into English:

-1- ستظل مصر بلد الامن والامان وموطن الحرية والحب والاخاء التي تقصدها الأفئدة من كل بقاع العالم

-2- ينبغي ان تلعب وسائل الاعلام دورا فاعلا في نشر الوعي بين الشباب لمواجهة الادمان وما يؤدي إليه من كوارث تهدد حياتهم وترمي بهم في طريق مظلم

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