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منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  6

Question (8): Arrange the following steps to save a file:
a. (………) Open “File” menu.
b. (………) Select Drive D.
c. (………) Click on “Save” icon.
d. (………) Write the file name.
e. (………) select ‘save’.

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  7

Question : Arrange the following steps to open Microsoft word:
a. (………) Select “All Programs”.
b. (………) Open “start” menu.
c. (………) Select “Microsoft Word”.

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  6

Question : Mention three of the functions of the 'Microsoft Word' program:
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  11

Question (4): Put a (√) in front of right sentence and a (Χ) in front of wrong one:
1. Word processing programs help in writing and formatting text and correct errors (…).
2. Standard toolbar contains a set of commands in the form of symbols (……).
3. You can insert many forms of data on a document page such as images, numbers and
special symbols (……).
4. The “Backspace” key is used to delete the character after the cursor (……).
5. A word is selected by pressing the left mouse button twice in a row (……).
6. We don't select the text that we want to copy it to another place (……).
7. You can search for a word and replace it with another (……).
8. You can insert an image and edit it (……).
9. You cannot do a format to the data in the table (……).
10. You can make a border to the pages of your document (……).
11.We use this icon to insert images from Clipart (……).
12. You can insert a new column within a table that already created (……).
13. This button is used to select a column in a table (……).
14. You cannot search inside the document only after saving it (……).
15. After you replace the word with another, a confirmation message does not show (…).
16. You can make a header and footer of the document (……).
17. In the Header and Footer toolbar, there is a button to insert the page number (……).
18. You can make a variety of formats on the page numbers (……).
19. You can open the file that already saved (……).
20. You can change the orientation of the paper before you print (……).

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  13

Question (2): Choose the correct answer:
1. To delete a character to the left of the cursor, the …………………………key is used.
(Backspace - Delete- End)
2. To save a document you have written, you use the ……………………… command.
(Save As - Copy - Delete)
3. To select a word, click …………………………………on the word by the mouse.
(One click - two clicks - three clicks)
4. We use this icon to do (Bulleted List - Numbered List - both answers).
5. We use this icon to change (Font Color - Background Color - both answers).
6. We use this icon to (make the text italic - copy the text -align the text to the
7. We use this icon to (choose the desired space between lines - Paste a text -
make bulleted list).
8. Copying a text means (make a copy of the text in another place - transfer the copy
to another place - remove the text).
9. You can retreat the last action you made in the document by using (undo-redo - all
of the above).
10. To Close a Document we use (Delete - Exit - Close).
11. To close the MS-Word program from the File menu we select (Delete - Exit- Close).
12. To search for a text in a document, from “Edit” file we use the command
(Replace - Search - Move to).
13.We can add Autoshapes from the …………………………………toolbar
(Drawing - Formatting - Standard)
14. Autoshapes are inserted through the Menu (Insert - View - File).
15.We use this icon to (open a new document - download the file - copy a text).
16.We use this icon to (view the document before you print - Format Painter -Save).
17.We use this icon ( to print the document - to save the document – to open the file).

18. Before making any formatting to any the text we should (select the text - not select
the text - all of the above).
19. Using the “Home” key on the keyboard to move (to the beginning of the document -
to the beginning of the line - the end of the document).
20.We use this icon to (insert a table - format table - all of the above).
21. This button is used in (select a row - select a column - select the table).