بالعلم ترتقى الامم

الثالث الثانوى

منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  1   مشاهدة  55

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

  1. Engineering is a / an .................... career .
    1. worthwhile
    2. neglecting
    3. illegal
    4. unknown
  2. Gihan’s mother forced her ......................... her room
    1. not to tidy
    2. tidying
    3. tidy
    4. to tidy
  3. Because he is a / an .................. person, all his dreams always come true .
    1. lazy
    2. passive
    3. ambitious
    4. uncaring
  4. In the future, every new book ......................... as an e-book .
    1. will publish
    2. was published
    3. will be published
    4. will have published
  5. ..................... being brilliant , he didn’t have the luck to be in the right place .
    1. Though
    2. However
    3. Despite
    4. But
  6. Animals have .................. to protect themselves from their enemies .
    1. evolved
    2. involved
    3. resolved
    4. revolved
  7. My parents still remember .............. Luxor and Aswan . It was enjoyable .
    1. to visit
    2. visiting
    3. visit
    4. having visited
  8. Writing a lot of novels , Naguib Mahfouz ..................... famous as a novelist .
    1. is becoming
    2. had become
    3. become
    4. became
  9. Plants change the energy from the sun into ...................... energy .
    1. solar
    2. chemical
    3. mechanical
    4. physical
  10. He prefers watching squash ...................... playing it .
    1. for
    2. into
    3. to
    4. on
  11. All religions consider ................... a crime an illegal deed .
    1. making
    2. committing
    3. concluding
    4. taking
  12. Abo Simbel temple is an amazing ......................... of ancient and modern engineering .
    1. combination
    2. organization
    3. competition
    4. collaboration
  13. If your expression or voice ............., you begin to look unfriendly .
    1. shortens
    2. hardens
    3. softens
    4. widens
  14. Without the help of youth , the development projects cannot take ..................
    1. part
    2. in
    3. over
    4. place
  15. After much ...................... , the committee decided to close the factory .
    1. donation
    2. debate
    3. delay
    4. deletion
منذ 7 سنوات
اجابة  2   مشاهدة  51
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